Will I Pass?

Discussion in 'General' started by Dr skitz, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. Im skinny (6'2, 150 pounds), high metabolism. I habe a UA in two days. I smoked for the first time in 87 days 4 days ago. I just took a home drug test and I think I passed. There was a faint secoumd line. Whats my chances of psssing?
  2. This belongs in apprentice tokers. You said UA, is this for a job or doctors appointment? If its for doctors appoint then dont worry about cause they cant drug test you without your consent.

  3. My mom enrolled me in rehab, thats what its for. Do you think il pass? Sorry for wrong section btw

  4. She put you in rehab for weed? If so then that's fucked up. I think you might pass but you still two days so should exercise. Also if you're 18 or older then you can just leave the rehab.
  5. Show Mom this- written by an EX-drug counselor!

    When Your Kid Smokes Pot (forum post/news – 2008)

    And if they are using the ELISA test, just get a bottle of zinc supplements and take as directed with a meal! :D More does NOT work better and will make you nauseous! :(

    Zinc Reduces the Detection of Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and THC by ELISA Urine Testing. (abst – 2011) We need 8 to 11 mg of zinc daily; over 40 mg/day can cause zinc poisoning.
    [FONT=&quot]Zinc Reduces the Detection of Cocaine, Methampheta... [J Anal Toxicol. 2011] - PubMed result[/FONT]

    Other articles that may interest you-

    Interference of Common Household Chemicals in Immunoassay Methods for Drugs of Abuse (full - 1989)
    [FONT=&quot]Interference of common household chemicals in immunoassay methods for drugs of abuse [published erratum appears in Clin Chem 1989 Nov;35(11):2257] -- Warner 35 (4): 648 -- Clinical Chemistry[/FONT]

    Practical Challenges to Positive Drug Tests for Marijuana (editorial - 2003)
    Practical Challenges to Positive Drug Tests for Marijuana -- ElSohly 49 (7): 1037 -- Clinical Chemistry

    The Effects of Adulterants and Selected Ingested Compounds on Drugs-of-Abuse Testing in Urine (full - 2007) The Effects of Adulterants and Selected Ingested Compounds on Drugs-of-Abuse Testing in Urine

    Drug-Test Cheats Try New Tricks on Labs (news - 2008)
    Drug-Test Cheats Try New Tricks on Labs

    Has the Most Common Marijuana Test Resulted in Tens of Thousands of Wrongful Convictions? (news – 2010)
    Has the Most Common Marijuana Test Resulted in Tens of Thousands of Wrongful Convictions? | Investigations | AlterNet

    APA: Drug Test Results Often Flawed (news - 2010)
    Medical News: APA: Drug Test Results Often Flawed - in Meeting Coverage, APA from MedPage Today

    Whatever you do, don't diet!

    Reintoxication: the release of fat-stored Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) into blood is enhanced by food deprivation or ACTH exposure. (full - 2009)
    [FONT=&quot]Reintoxication: the release of fat-stored

    Empty your bladder a few times before the test, if possible. That will rinse away the build-up of THC that is excreted during the night.

    Urinate a bit, then take your sample, then finish up- that gets the least amount of THC in the sample.

    A single "B" vitamin will yellow up your urine so it doesn't look diluted. If you take a bunch of "B"s your urine will be BRIGHT yellow- maybe TOO bright! So take just ONE! :)

    Hope that helps!

    Granny :wave:
  6. #6 flapflip, Aug 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Caught him =p OP, if your 18, which you should be... you can just leave

    Actually, come to think of it, if your 18, I don't think she can enroll you in rehab

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