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Will I Pass?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by thepringlesguy, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. I know there are a million threads but I just wanted a few opinions on my personal situation...

    I have been smoking an ounce every two weeks for 4 years basically. I was 300 pounds and am 6 foot 2 inches.

    I haven't smoked pot for a month.

    Should I be good to go or do you guys recommend a detox or masking method previously posted on here? Sorry if this is annoying but hey i know you people are smart and want a few opinions....:wave:
  2. at your weight, height, consumption rate and time span its possible that there is still THC in your system. get an at home test and test yourself before you decide to buy a detox or mask.
  3. Personally, I think you will be straight, but i am half your size. The bigger/heavier you are the longer thc stays in your system, so do what was suggested above, buy a cheap drug test and see if you pass, but i mean as long as you drank plenty of water and didnt sit on your ass for a month you should really be fine.
  4. You'll be good. That whole "it takes 30 days" bullshit is only relevant for people whom smoke everyday for long periods of time, like yourself.

    And we really do need an official drug test thread here, stickied, it bolded font or something.
  5. wouldn't help anyway.

    and the 30 day thing is just a rule of thumb. i 140 pound less then him, am 2 inches shorter and i've failed DT's after 30 days of not smoking.

    thats why i suggested buying a test first, if you come clean on a test, you may not need to worry anymore

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