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Will I pass my piss test?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AshLovesEveryone, Aug 31, 2019.

  1. Hey everyone! <3 New member here, been ghosting these forums for a couple days now and it seems like everyone here knows whats up, so I came looking for help with something.

    I have a pre-employment piss test that'll probably be coming up in the next couple days, maybe a little bit later than that but the point is it isn't that far off. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a lab test that they'll have me be taking, so I just want to make sure i'm ready for it. I've never been a very frequent smoker, only smoking a few days a week at most over the summer, during which I took about two weeks off from smoking. After that two week break tho, I smoked more than I usually do and I'm not sure how likely I am to pass this piss test.

    So around 12-15 days ago was when I smoked last, and about a week before that I picked up a quarter so my bros and I could kick back and rewatch Naruto. I packed a few bowls each day until my last day of smoking and hit my boy's dab pen a little bit too, but that's all I had. I'm not really stressing over it but i'm just wondering if theres anything I should be doing until my test. Do I have to drop the cash on some detox shit or should I flush naturally?

    Some more info is that I worked out a little bit last week but that was just out of boredom, i'm male, 5'10 sitting at around 125lbs. I used to lift all the time but I've kinda fallen out of it, so i'm a little cut but nowhere near being buff, pretty skinny tbh. All help is appreciated dudes <3 much love
  2. Go buy a drug test there 11$ at Walmart
    • Agree Agree x 2

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