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will i pass a dt?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Marijuana :), Jan 26, 2010.

  1. hey, i smoked for the first time in 5 months today, and once 3 days ago. will i pass a drug test in 3 weeks - 1 month? i only took about 5 hits each time.
  2. If you hold off between now and then, you're golden.

    (It'll be outta your system in like a week tops since you haven't blazed in so long)
  3. like 100 percent sure? cos like if i get caught i go to rehab :(
  4. Trust me man. If you're feeling unsure about yourself, take a Vitamin B pill. But seriously you're good if you don't smoke.
  5. ight thats cool but does like diluting help if u dunk a little water in der too?
  6. youll be good bro. if your really stressin, i hear cranberry juice is supposed to cleanse ur system, and green tea is supposed to speed up your metabolism. also, dilute your urine by drinking copious amounts of water before the test.

    i smoked 4 days ago(second time all month), drank a gallon of cranberry juice and diluted my urine and passed a drug test today.
  7. Yeah, drinking water would work even if you kept smoking. You'd have to drink enough water if you decided to keep smoking though. Just make sure you do not drink too much. You could drown yourself. It can also cause vomiting.

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