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Will I get rootbound ?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Makrba, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. Hey people I got 2 plants that are in 5 gallon buckets at 30 inches it’s been 41 days veg about to go into flowering on day 50 and yes there is some roots coming out the bottom even on my 20 inch bushy plant it’s also in 5 gallon bucket has roots coming out bottom here’s pics I kno I have cal mag def that ant what I talking about just opinions on am I root bound or will I be root bound

    Attached Files:

  2. Hey people I got 2 plants that are in 5 gallon buckets at 30 inches it’s been 41 days veg about to go into flowering on day 50 and yes there is some roots coming out the bottom even on my 20 inch bushy plant it’s also in 5 gallon bucket has roots coming out bottom here’s pics I kno I have cal mag def that ant what I talking about just opinions on am I root bound or will I be root bound

    Attached Files:

  3. I'd say yes. But if you transplant them you'll have to give them time to recover before putting them into flower.
  4. What I was gonna do instead of transplant is cut the bottom of the buckets off and set em in bigger buckets with soil at the bottom so the roots don’t get messed with and it’s an extra 2 gallon of soil at the bottom you think that will work
  5. If it was me, I'd spend the few €/$ & get bigger pots. Its easier & they look really healthy so it shouldnt be a problem transplanting.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  6. [​IMG]
    LMAO. Thanks.

    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. [​IMG]

  8. I’m new to this don’t know how to merge
  9. If your a moderator delete one for me
  10. Welcome to Grasscity Makrba!

    You don't need to know how to merge. I merged your two threads into 1 to consolidate the information. Usually, you only need to make one thread per topic to get the help you need and it looks like you're in good hands here.

    All the best!
  11. @Makrba
    Welcome in. :)
    Chunk is one of our awesome moderators that help keep the City running smoothly. We can't merge so a @ and his name sends an alert in the system the next time he logs on or opens a new page.
    Keeps the clutter down a bit when it's two identical threads started just a couple minutes apart.

  12. How do I fix it sry I’m new I didn’t mean to post two
  13. I've flowered out a 30 inch plant in a solo cup so No you don't need to transplant.
    You can transplant but it'll take 2 people and pray your bound enough the root ball stays intact. As big as she is I likely wouldn't risk it. If the root ball falls apart and you damage her roots it'll shock her bad.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Thanks for the info bud I’ll take your advice

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