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will I ever be able to smoke again?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Oleg92, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. I used to smoke 2 to 3g of mI'd everyday tho a bong and recently ive been diagnosed with lpr. When taking only like 5 hits now u can feel the tightness on your chest and such sympoms. Considering taking a break but will I ever be able to smokr like I used to? :(
  2. get a vaporizer
  3. or switch to edibles / tinctures. you need your lungs to live.
  4. So my days of ripping bong hits r done?
  5. You could try to pick up a bong with a good perculator system and ice catcher to help filter and cool down the smoke if vaporizers aren't your thing.
  6. I mean I used to have no problem before. It's a 2 set (ash catcher). Now that I do I'm just concern imma have to give it up
  7. Help pleaee
  8. I really recommend you getting a vaporizer. Those bong hits are killers
  9. Dude figure it out yourself! Try the bong! Try the vaporizer! Why do you think some stranger over the internet knows what's better for you than you

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. Is lpr leper?

  11. Vapor Bonging !  :bongin:
    Get well, blade!
  12. #12 Grendelking, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
    1. CUT OUT CAFFEINE. Specifically, avoid coffee (highest caffeine content), tea, and caffeinated soft drinks. Soft drinks such as Coke and Pepsi are particularly bad, because they are very acidic (pH of 2.3), and the carbonation leads to belching and further reflux of acid into the throat. Other acidic juices (orange, grapefruit, cranberry) can worsen reflux.\t
    3. AVOID ALCOHOL, especially in the late evening and before bedtime.\t
    4. QUIT SMOKING.\t
    5. ELIMINATE FRIED, FATTY, AND SPICY FOODS FROM YOUR DIET. A low-fat diet is the best way to avoid reflux. Onions and garlic are notorious for causing reflux.\t
    6. LOSE WEIGHT if you're overweight. Avoid tight-fitting clothing.\t
    7. STOP EATING AT LEAST 3 HOURS BEFORE GOING TO BED. Eating a heavy meal just before going to sleep is especially bad for your reflux condition.\t
    8. TAKE THE MEDICINES YOUR DOCTOR HAS PRESCRIBED FOR YOU In most cases, your doctor will prescribe a "proton pump inhibitor" drug (PPI) such as Nexium, Prevacid, Protonix, Prilosec or Aciphex. These drugs are typically prescribed for TWICE A DAY, which is double the usual dose for routine reflux disease. Please see below for more details on your medication.\t
    9. \tELEVATE THE HEAD OF YOUR BED 4-6 INCHES by placing wood or cinder blocks under the headboard.
      \tMost of our patients have daytime reflux disease, and this step is not necessary in 2/3 of our patients. If your symptoms are worse in the morning, (indicating active reflux at night) this step is important. Placing several pillows under your head does not substitute for raising the head of the bed; in fact, this maneuver can make the problem worse.
  13. Make sure your peices are clean, buildup use to give me a problem, but if i clean it once a week and give the bowl/stem/bong a rinse with hot water after every session it is usually pretty good. Ice and cold water usually helps heaps aswell.
  14. vapor edibles  for you

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