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Will I be tested?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Stonesofsteel, May 11, 2016.

  1. Hey guys I went into American Eagle to turn in an application and they gave me the job on the spot. They told me I have orientation this coming Sunday and I was wondering if you think they will test me and if so will it be at orientation? If not I'd really like to light up lol.(Sorry if these questions sound stupid. This is my first job and I'm new to the drug testing thing)
  2. Did you sign anything that said you agree to preemployment or random (depending on your state) as a condition of employment? If not then you are most likely not being tested. Most retail don't drug screen. Keep in mind though if you get hurt for have an accident on the job you may be subject to test then.

    Plus you are paid for orientation. So they won't send you to orientation to be paid if they are waiting for drug screen results to come back
  3. What a fucking coincidence, I actually worked across an american eagle and spoke to employees on the regs and most of em were stoners, go light up man they won't test you.
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  4. My application did mention pre employment drug screening but I feel like since I didn't go through the normal process and they already gave me the job then maybe I lucked out lol.
  5. Btw they haven't tested me yet
  6. if you already have the job i don't see a reason why they would need to drug test you, i worked in a similar retail store and I believe they had a question about pre drug testing on the application but in the process of getting the job i wasn't tested.
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  7. You are probably fine. Just don't show up to work too stoned to do your job. Thats usually when drug tests are ordered (at least in the retail industry.)
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  8. Every employer has that disclaimer. But by law you actually have to sign an acknowledgement that you understand you are being prescreened for drugs as a condition of employment. You don't go to orientation until that's complete. If it were me I wouldn't worry.
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  9. Yeah. Don't stress yourself out over it. If anything, kick back, relax, and inhale some of that sweet, sweet chronic. :smoking:

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