Ok, so I was reading this 7 Common Foods That Can Actually Get You High | Cracked.com. I I saw at the bottom that caffeine can get you high. So I go down stairs stare at a caffeine pill bottle thinking if I should try it. So I go fuck it, and popped 2 pills. This was 400mg in total. I read that much will get me sick and cause discomfort. Right now I don't feel sick, and I am twitchy. I took them about 25 mins ago.
You won't die or anything, but if your taking caffeine pills to get high then no, you will not be ok down the road.
You'll be fine but might feel really shitty for a couple hours, depending on how much you weigh and how tolerant to caffeine you are. You'll probably get the shakes a bit and some diarrhea if you have low tolerance. Good luck with that. There really is no way to get a recreational "high" from caffeine. There is no recreational dose, just a good dose that you won't notice too much and a dose that you'll notice wayyyyy too much. Nothing in between really. The real question is why are you asking if you'll be okay after taking it? Seems to me that's something you should be asking beforehand (though of course, not here...since dosage advice is not allowed. )
Well I ddrink a lot of Mountain dew. So I have a tolerance. I don't think I am gonna do this again hahaa.
Glad to hear it, the only legal way I know of right now to get 'High' is Salvia Divinorum and Nutmeg. Yes a kitchen spice taken in excessive amounts gets you high. I have not tried this, nor will I, but this seems better than caffeine pills so i just thought I'd point you in the direction of something more safe. Also, if you by chance happen to be a native american, you can legally use Peyote, a strong Hallucinogen.
Ohh dang. I guess thats a good reason to be native american isn't it. I don't think I'll get sick. But I have a lot of shit in me. I have had 2 dews 2 caffeine pills and a gin and tonic today. Only put a litttle gin in the tonic though. So yeah.
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you will not be OK...... At first, you will have an upset stomach..... Later on this evening you will have a bad headache ........ And by morning you will have grown a tail....... Once that happens, there is no turning back, as it is only a matter of time before you have the uncontrollable urge to shit in your hand and throw it at someone......
The same thing is going to happen to you that would normally happen if you chugged an entire 2 liter of mt dew.
"Severe, deleterious caffeine intoxication sets in at 500 mg" Read through Number 1 "Coffee" and you will see that,
Very true, I once passed the 1 gram intake mark when I pulled an all-nighter once and in class the next day I got the chills, was shaking on and off, and felt really nauseous. That is only half-true. You have to be a member of the Native American Church and even then Peyote is only used as a sacrament.