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Will eatigng ruin my edible high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DaNk AlL DaY, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. :cool:I ate a few cookies, and im high af, but im also hungry will it ruin my high from the cookie i just ate?:smoke:
  2. To me, eating always brings me down, be it if I smoked or edibled...
  3. I'm not quite sure what "eatigng" is or if it'll ruin your edible high.
  4. Yeah but i didnt know if it may do it worse or not at all since its edibles idk, :p i mean i could just smoke afterwords but i dont make edibles often :p

    ^^Ând i messed up the title, didnt realize it dont gotta get all proper :p
  5. Well I know many people who don't like to give in to the munchies, myself included. Stuffing your face with food may seem like something you want to do but it's not exactly a "booster". Just experiment with yourself, have an edible without eating for a few hours then another time eat to your hearts content.
  6. yeah but not right after
  7. But eating you already eated to get high eating now.

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