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Will Coconut oil work the same when eaten by itself as when baked into something like brownies or cake?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by rob121214, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    TL;DR VERSION ---->>>> Will Coconut oil work the same when eaten by itself as when baked into something like brownies or cake? (this is the only question i have, read more for more detailed question)

    Hello Guys, I haven't been on in a few years. I just made a long convuluted post about pot brownies. I used to come on here frequently to learn about Kat's methods. From time to time I do make pot brownies. But usually I'm unable. Anyways I made a long question before my Internet crashed but I think I can narrow it down.

    Will Coconut oil work the same when eaten by itself as when baked into something like brownies or cake?

    That is basically the question. For example I made a batch of brownies using coconut oil . I bought a 12 oz can of pure coconut oil. The recipes i usually make call for 4 oz (half cup) of oil or melted butter. That should be enough for 3 batches. I used 21 grams for the container of oil.

    So i made one batch. I used 4 oz of oil ( = 1/2 cup = 8 tablespoon). And there should be 7 grams of herb in the batch. Now I cut the batch into 12 individual brownie pieces.

    Me and my friend sampled the oil, he said he doesn't feel much. I once put one tablespoon of oil in TEA and i didn't feel as much as when i ate a brownie (which should have 2/3 tablespoon in each, theoretically)

    Why is this? Did I not decarb right ? Does oil just work better when baked into something? Im thinking if thats the case, maybe the oil doesn't work cause i didn't decarb. When I baked the brownies it was at 300 f. If i left out any info let me know.

  2. yes you can just eat it by itself, thats what I make my caps with. but I normally use reclaim instead of plant material.

  3. Did you decarb in the oven before making your oil? If not, that's your missing step.
  4. I agree, you must decarb for best results.

    Also, did you use coconut oil or coconut milk? I ask because I used to work in a health food store and have never seen coconut oil sold in a can.
  5. i meant plastic looking jar
  6. Gotcha, so it is coconut oil and not coconut milk. That is good. You absolutely can get a strong effect just from canna-oil on its own, you do not need to bake into recipes like brownies. I recommend that you carefully follow this recipe, exactly step by step:
  7. The BKS method is good for oil to bake with. If you want a tincture, you should follow the instructions in the stickey thread called Another Tincture Thread...
  8. ok thanks for all the replies , I did in fact use BKS method for this and I did Decarb (20 min, 220f) , although...

    maybe i should've increased the temp. That's my theory because the brownies baked for 300f, compared to the oil that was in for 200f

    It could be that the increase in temp when baking helped idk
  9. yes thats why I mentioned how hot and how long you decarb will effect how it works. You can heat the coconut oil mixture if you want to decarb it further still.
  10. You can always take one tablespoon of your cannaoil and it to a double boiler and let it warm then add, one cup marshmallows when they start to melt turn off the heat, then mix in one cup of rice crispies, fruity pepples, capt. Crunch etc stir it and then place it on a bowl to cool and voila, a one serving edible =P
  11. For anyone reading this more recently than July there is new information on decarboxylation of cannabis.

    PsychedelicSam's tincture thread (Another Tincture Thread, try it you'll like it) stickie above. Has done a lot of testing and retesting and the recommendation for decarb is240F for 40 minutes.

    The testing results can be viewed int the tincture thread mentioned above.

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