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will cleaning a pipe smell up the house?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bmar29, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Im planning on cleaning my small glass steamroller. I am going to put it in water and then in the microwave. Will this produce a strong smell? It there a better odorless way to do it?
  2. Fill it with isopropyl alcohol and epsom salt. Put it in a plastic bag. Shake for a minute or more. Empty into sink, keeping bag fullish. Run hot water through pipe. Repeat if necessary. This will be odorless and much more effective.
  3. Submerging it in Iso alcohol for five minutes? I've never had a steamroller, so I'm not positive, but that makes a LOT more sense than microwaving it.

    Edit: Guy above me said it all.
  4. ISO, salt, shake--

    It will stink a little, just spray your sink with simple green or something after and run some down the drain.

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