Wikipedia needs donations

Discussion in 'General' started by Chewbracca, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. HTML:

    so looks like they need $500,000 left to keep wikipedia free.
  2. Its my money, and I need it now!
  3. I've donated. I'm surprised they did this well.
  4. This is what I think is going to happen...

    They're going to stop donation at like 100,000$; and be like "FUCK, GOTTA PAY NOW BITCHES!"

    and keep that money....

    now that would be some bulllllllllllllllshit
  5. Honestly...... I could give a fuck less about wikipedia. jus sayin, fuck everything rite now
  6. It's my money and I need it now.
  7. Don't be selfish people! As people we casually search the wikipedia encyclopedia without
    thinking about the cost. We use wikipedia without thinking about it.

    We take it for granted.

    Wikipedia needs our help.

    Donate now. Help keep wikipedia alive.

    Do your part. Don't just be passive and think that someone else
    will pay.

  8. its my money! And i need it now!!!!
  9. If Encyclopedia Dramatica can make it's owners over 9k per week, just by employing some flashy adds (of boobies) in its borders, i dont see why Wiki can't aswell.

    (their current banner for ED is helarious btw)

  10. The links on that shit gave me a virus. I fucking hate 4channers :(

    Sad thing is, the link is still on the page.

  11. *yelling out my 4th floor window in the middle of the day* it's my money!!!! and i need it now!!!!!!!
  12. Pretty sure its the first rule you learn when your introduced to the internet: Don't click on banners that are blinky.
  13. Wikipedia is what? the 3rd or 4th most visited site on the interwebz? Their server costs are probably well over $20,000 per day. And fuck wikipedia having ads. I want that shit to stay free of the bullshit that plagues the other 99% of the net. I'd donate if I could, but I still havn't got a credit card, I always use cash...

    If anyone donates $20 for me and proves that they did by mailing me a receipt, I'll send them that amount of cash in the mail..
  14. Adblock Plus: Save your time and traffic
  15. Are you high sir?
  16. #17 Joe Luxon, Jan 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2011

    Well, looks like they fucked up didn't they. How do you start a buiseness that is going to have ongoing running costs (servers), without any adds or services that generate cash?

    Wikipedia closes, I continue to use google, or simply open a real encyclopedia...
  17. wiki was not meant to be a "business" in the sense that it's aim was to make money, it was meant to be a place where people can collect as much information that people know as possible. a collective library although library is not the right word. from the start it was dependent on the volunteers, so it would make sense that it still does depend on its volunteers no?
  19. You don't need to be a business in order to have a business plan; A responsible plan that ensures that your costs are somehow covered, even Charitys have them, or atleast Charitys that want to last longer than 10 years.

    In the real world a Government would fund a state library by taxing its citizens, some smaller private museums or librarys can get away by charging small entry fees.

    To have a museum/library, that is no where complete, relies purely on benefactors or philanthropists (not volunteers as you put it) and is only going to incuring higher and higher running costs as it expands (its servers) under the guise of "a gift to the internet" is practically the meaning of the idiom "White elephant".

    Wiki either needs to declare itself a charity, or pull its finger out and start acting like a real business, even if that means advertising Encyclopedias, dictionarys and textbooks in add space. There's plenty of non-profit organisations around the world, what makes Wiki so special it needs handouts forever.

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