Well ladies, I don't think there exists a better example of how regulatory capture works. I've often talked in the past about how Microsoft has maintained it's near-monopoly status on computer software because of how it manipulates those with legislative power through regulatory capture and rent-seeking. What we have here, is powerful groups with close ties to Microsoft (remember guys, Bill Gates is the worlds #1 capitalist! ) who are synchronizing an attack in an attempt to shut down or inhibit free and open source software makers, so Microsoft can do what it does best: Force it's lower-quality software on you by restricting your choice. This is why we need to return to a more free market based system. Companies like Microsoft know they would never be able to compete against open source software. Most of Microsoft's software is bloatware, loaded with tons of unnecessary junk (If you've ever bought a pre-built computer from a computer store, you know what I'm talking about) and they give you no other option. The only option for big companies like Microsoft to compete, is to prevent the little guys from competing, which is why more rules and regulations will never work Wikileaks publishes documents on plan to curb free software in the European Union