Lol....I just had this thought. If you had a wife of like 5 years+ and you have had sex before, but this one time you got really horny or some shit and your wife says no to sex then you rape her by like tying her up and use a condom is it considered rape even if she is your wife and she said no to it? HAHA i got no fucking clue...I was just wondering if anyone has a awnser to that, even if it made no sense.
lol, yeah for real. how about those utah people with 8 wives? demand pussy from all 8 at one time, yeah right.
haha stop smoking so much jk jk But yeah, I believe it's been a crime in Australia since 1991 after they started getting rid of all the religious bullshit in the legal system, a surprising amount of which still remains.
Lol... Judge: Why did you rape your wife? Man: Because she wouldn't put out. Judge: Why didn't you just slap dat bitch and tell her you would kick her out of your house if she didn't put out? Man: Never thought of that...I was really horny. Judge: Okay, You're free to go, Don't do it again though. Man: Yes, Sir. It probally wouldn't be like that, but it would be cool if a judge was like that ...idk
People seem to use them words My mind isn't actually like the post , I was just wondering...Not like i've done it before i'm only 18 going on 19 and no wife mang.
RAWFL!!!! Im now known as a creep here... Well anyways im back now, but this time im high as shit... So....Jesus Fucking Christ (he is having sex with himself = Masturbation) LOL IDK.