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wierdest thing eating blazed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by theduck, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. So I'ma busy munchin down on some heeellllla stail corn chips. and loving every moment of it since Ima blaaziiiieeed.

    Anyway, this got me thinking. whats the wierding thing you've ever eaten while high?

    me this one time I was muchin down on handfulls of dog food at my bros house. I had like 3 handfulls, and i could see the tast in each bite and I could see into another dimention! It was aamzming. since I was blazed. So. wierdest thng eaten high? :smoke:

    I seriously love you all. a lot
  2. well its not necessarily weird but i'm pakistani and my mom makes alot of traditional foods its super good when i'm blazed
  3. hahahahaha wait what? dog food? for real?
  4. va jay jay......;)
  5. Peanut butter and pineapple sandwich on toasted wheat bread.
  6. i made blueberry cheesecake muffins with whip cream and some milk

  7. My friend ate straight up leaves out of a river one time... I can't top that haha.

  8. FOr reazl man! It was like my 3rd time being I was blazed out of my mind :smoke::smoke:
  9. The boy and I will munch downnnnnn on sushi while high. Not really that weird, but not normal munchies.
  10. haha that is some funny shit
  11. Bacon wrapped hot dogs with mayonnaise and Louisiana hot sauce on a hot dog bun. Gives you the shits hella bad but they are super good.
  12. I like Poprocks when high. They're sensational!

  13. Grrrrooooosssssss.
    Did he get sick?

    I think the worst thing would be ketchup and ranch sandwiches. /heartattack

    Besides the occasional stale tortilla chips =]
  14. fishsticks and hershys choclate syrup on top o.o :D:p

  15. YOUR a gay fish! :hello:

    Keep it coming folks.

    Sushi sounds hella bomb right now.

    I just had 3 cassidillas I made myself. :wave: life is good.
  16. thin mint icecream right now.

    -Irish :smoke:
  17. deep fried pizza with extra cheese and hot pepper
  18. i dont remember the full recipe but

    tomato soup
    random mixture of beans
    and macaroni
    we called it poop soup
  19. I once ate king crab just by itself out of a bag
  20. Skittles and peanut-butter. Don't try it.

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