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Wierd Blue Weed :O

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Cold Play, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. I just grabbed 7gs of this wierd blue weed, i asked my dealer for kush and he is very reliable. Anyways, some of the leaves in the shake are seagreen and the bud itself is green but tinted blue :O

    It has a very strong smell, i left it in a bag in my closet and it danked up my whole closet

    I will try to post pics later but has anyone ever heard of this?
  2. is it blueberry like in my profile picture
  3. Uhm less blue than that, mine is green but still noticeable blue tint.
  4. The lil slutty smurfette and aqua man did the do and thats where ur dank blue/sea green bud came from
  5. how does it smoke? i had blueberry before it was blue/green for me
  6. A very relaxing high, i usually get high after 3 bowls but i get high after 3 hits with this.
  7. I had some Blue Magoo a while back that and the tips of the buds were straight blue

  8. Those are lights and shit weed's not blue. OP you probably got something with some purp. Can you get up some pics?

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