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why wont my profile picture upload?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. it says it succesfully uploaded [after multiple pictures failing to upload] but it still doesnt show up when i post or in my previous post.

    sorry if this is a pointless thread and it just takes a day or two for the picture to upload but i dont feel like a member without a picture, i just feel like my name is bland and doesnt stick out in post ... bleh.

    do i have a pro pic that you guys can see or just nothing?
  2. You are forever doomed pictureless, sorry.

    No but really, I believe there are two different slots. One for the profile and one for your avatar, make sure you pick the right one.

    Oh, want the avatar one, profile is the one people see when they click on your name and check out your profile.
  3. You uploaded a profile pic, but I imagine you were looking for an avatar pic. Different sections in the CP.
  4. god i feel stupid lol.. sorry about wasting your time reading this guys but thanks i got it.

    ive been on this forum for like 2 months and have alot of post but still am not good with all the functions [replying to multiple post in one post, signatures, etc.] but ill learn as i go on thanks again pce :smoke:

  5. Don't worry I understand, you're from New Jersey, there's only so much we can reasonably expect you to do on your own.

    But seriously, I made the same mistake myself, no biggie.
  6. hahaha at the jersey thing, i get so much shit from being from jersey cuz of all the dumb jersey shows, when im from north jersey and no body is like that around here.

    thanks again dude pce

  7. Oh it's not because of Jersey Shore, that show was like 17 years too late to make me despise the wretched eye-sore that is New Jersey. Living in New York is what's done that to me, all you bastards always drive around NY like a bunch of fucktards.
  8. really? it seems like all new york drivers drive around nj like idiots lol, my friends older bro [my friends lives in ny right on the border and so do i but in jersey] and when he met me he was like "your from jersey? dont ever get your license" and i was just like whatt you guys cant drive.

    i guess theres always people who cant drive but as soon as there from another state we blame it on that. :D

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