I took clones and about 70% of them died. Took a second round of clones and they are still going or so it seems. They have been cut for about 5 days and not even a single sign of a tap root. Consistent ~75-85%RH and temperature about 20/21C (68/70F). Cut 45degree-angle, under water, then into rooting gel. In Rockwool. In tray with humidity dome. Under incandescent bulb, ~10" away in distance. edit: I have now upped the temperature by 1-2 degrees C. (Now at about 22-23C)
Are the leaves going droopy? That means they are transpiring more water than they can take up..i got sick of misting and domes so just got a bubble cloner..i just cut at 45, scrape a little of the skin off and dip in clone gel..always get roots 5-10 days...faye has a diy bubble cloner on here that would work good...also some og kush strains take longer
I second that. Bubble cloners are the easiest and get great results. Ive had some cuts that took 3 weeks or longer to root!
Try rooting them under LESS light. Ambient light, not direct. Incandescent bulb?!?!? You're GROWING with proper lighting, yes? You're trying to grow roots, not leaves. Excessive amounts of light during cloning only serve to promote leaf growth. You want the stored nutrients that are present in the leaves to be used for root development. It's also more advantageous to make your final "cut" just below a node (where the stem of the fan leaf meets the main branch). This increases successful cloning percentages. If you can swing it, it's best to have the root zone warmer than the "canopy". Most growers utilize a heating mat for this. Watch the temp's in your dome and adjust ventilation accordingly. Your temp's and RH look very good. Never done the bubble cloner thing. It may work very well...
Im thinking of getting/making a bubble cloner. 2/10 clones are left standing, and they have yet to root.. so we will see soon. They get droop and fall over, even if staked, and become almost soft-but not soggy. Then become crispy and the rest is history. How do I fix the issue in a dome.. just for knowledge's sake!
I'm here to save the day. I'm super clone guy. here's some pics for proof View attachment 1625116 View attachment 1625115 View attachment 1625114 View attachment 1625117 View attachment 1625119 View attachment 1625113 View attachment 1625112 View attachment 1625115 View attachment 1625110 loose the incandescent bulb go cfl or flourescent and some times it takes 14 days sometimes it only takes 5-7 days but patients go gotta have.
I've used all sorts of gels,powders and dip n grow and the best thing so for is Azos by Xtreme Gardening. No hormones all natural works great. I did 200 cuts and 4 didn't make it. It's was only because the leaves got soggy but they rooted and I don't give out shitty clones.
Give your cuttings about 2 weeks to show roots. I usually give them about 2 1/2 weeks to show signs of rooting (leaves yellowing and roots popping out of my root riot plugs) before I discard them to start a new batch. I also suggest you get a different kind of light. cfl's will work, but here is the one I've had success starting off with: http://www.amazon.com/ft-F39T5-HO-Fluorescent-Spectrum-Included/dp/B005A7XEYW/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1416893922&sr=8-11&keywords=sunblaster+grow+light these also come with an extension cord so you can plug multiple lights together. I've never used rock wool before, but I've read that the ph is naturally a little too high for the little clones. Try soaking them with some ph down and distilled water before taking the cuttings. Also, make sure the rock wool remains hydrated, but not soaked. Hope I was of some help! Just keep at it and learn as you go
Most likely your problem is the rockwool being too wet. That shit really holds on to the water. It's a pretty terrible medium really, I'd never recommend it. For a way to clone that has to be the easiest way once you make the system check out this link.http://forum.grasscity.com/hydroponic-growing/1327492-rooting-clones-easy-way.html I've used it many times and never once lost a clone. No cutting the stem at an angle, no domes, no spraying, no heaters, no scraping of stem, no grow medium, just cut the branch, take a few leaves off and place in the neoprene disk .
Did something similar following this: http://forum.grasscity.com/do-yourself/444974-lets-build-clone-machine-step-step.html One problem after the other. Within 30-40 minutes the water goes from a nice cool/warm-temperture to a HOT-temperture. Other than throwing ice cubes in there every hour, any way to combat this?!?!!! (It's okay when I'm by, but I'm not always there to throw in ice cubes every hour!) now under CFL's.
You would need to find out what was heating the water. If you were using a large pump to power the misters it could be that. My version uses a rotory sprinkler that doesn't need high pressure. A 3w pump is big enough to run it so it hardly warms the water at all. Slightly warmed water can help speed the rooting though, and the normal issues of lack of oxygen because of it is less of a problem due to the cuts not actually touching the water, they are just kept wet from the sprinkler
I would agree about the rock wool not being soaked to set correct Ph but as the other guy said, the rock wool cubes need to be shaken out of access water...use a salad shooter to spin out the water. I made the same mistake in rock wool the first time around. After dipping in rooting hormone, mist with a mixture of water and very weak solution of kelp extract and clonex root stimulator. I now get 99% success and thick healthy clones.
Salad spinner is a great idea! I'm also going to try the liquid kelp; I've heard it does wonders for overall plant growth. One question: can you dilute rooting gel/powder with water to make a cloning nutrient?
A bunch of good answers, here...my personal experience suggests your solution temps are too high. When I was taking summer clones this past summer, the solution was a fairly consistent 70-75 (F), which is near your range, as I left the tray outside during the day, brought it in and dropped it under LED spots at night. Couldn't get a clone to root out to save my life. Summer before that, I'd done it in a back corner of a room with poor natural lighting and "too much" cooling from the air conditioner (everyone has that one "this room's always too cold in summer, too hot in winter" room). No problems. Moved my cloner to sit at the window, half covering an AC vent, problem solved...they still took longer than my winter clones to root, but they rooted well enough...and the solution temps were staying in the 60-65 (F) range, while they air was about 70 degrees, consistently throughout the house, a bit warmer in sunlight through windows. Dunno if that's your issue, but similar circumstances, that was mine.
I have been using root riot kit. Comes with plugs and the dome. I use roottech gel and im guessing a 80% success rate? Using a t5. Shoot iv put cuttings directly into soil with a sandwich bag over the top. I stand by root tech Paging Dr. Green Thumb