Why women cheat.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Cloud10_2003, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. I think its for one main reason ... equality ....because society is how it is now alot of men want to feel equal to their girlfriends or want their girlfriends to feel equal but that's not what women want....women want to be dominated.

    Men are supposed to be hunters and providers right? ...if a woman is providing for you or your not dominating her with money....emotions....sex... etc. i doubt she will respect you and she will go out looking for a stronger more dominant alpha male and fuck him.

    Summary: dont be a bitch and your girl wont go off and fuck someone else.... unless she is a wench ...if shes a wench and likes taking royal spheres into her garden of eden then yeah...but dont wife a hoe....swag
  2. There is a biological reason some women will cheat no matter what to acquire more genetic variety it is wired into their pea sized brain processes

  3. I know quite a few women with a pea sized brain process :p
  4. acquire more genetic variety? wut.
  5. Men cheat cause they are dogs, women cheat when they are unhappy.
    Or unless they are sex maniacs :D
  6. A lot of people cheat. It's because no one gives a fuck anymore and tons of relationships are built off lies from the start.

  7. that too, but i'm giving the general reason of why a woman would cheat. girls don't like dudes who act like pussies.
  8. I never understand why people ask "why do men/women cheat." Isn't the answer obvious. They aren't satisfied sexually or with the relationship.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBzJGckMYO4]Porky Pig Cartoon Ending "That's All Folks!" - YouTube[/ame]
  9. Rollinjoints is right.

    But I do have something to add:

    See this is where guys fuck up. Women like to be dominanted sexually, not in general life. For the most part at least. I will be equal with whomever I date, but in the bed I'll be his little slut. Even then I like being the dominant one in bed sometimes too.

    rollinjoints has the reasoning down.

  10. idk how that would work being nice and equal or w.e then flipping the switch to dominating in bed &

    as for being equal i cant see that because its like the man and woman are going to be clashing all the time that's why i think a man should be the more dominant one when it comes to certain things...like sex emotions & work...because while a woman is going to be going crazy on different emotions during her period & shit a man is going to be doing what he has to do.

    even the bible says it...and im not a religious person lol

    corinthians 14:34
    Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says.
  11. No, that's not what that scripture means, it was taken out of context.;)

    In verses 34 and 35 he was repeating what they were practicing and then asking about it in verse 36 where he states :
    36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?

  12. If you're arguing that the Bible is for gender equality, you'd be wrong.

  13. Not the new testament, start a new thread if you want to.

    I was merely pointing out that the specific verse he quoted was taken out of context. You seem to just want to argue, I know you from somewhere, don't I?:p

  14. Just because a guy is dominant in bed doesnt mean he has to be dominant in life. I like to be dominant in bed sometimes as Ive stated, but Im not a dominanting person in my regular life... its pretty simple. Sexual preferences shouldn't affect the dynamic of the relationship.

    Hahaha. We only get our period 7 days out of a month and not all 7 days either. Not every girl gets super emotional on their period, so arguing that as a reason for why men should be dominant is the worst argument you can make. You act as if a girl cant function on her period. Come on man, seriously?

    Im just not the type of person who enjoys being with a controlling guy. Dominant guys (in relationships) are usually mean and controlling. I HATE that. Its simple for things to be equal. The guy and girl make the same amount of money and they dont tell each other what to do. Seems pretty simple to me.:confused_2: As long as both people respect each other and dont control one another there wont be a whole lot of clashing.
  15. #15 Cloud10_2003, Sep 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2012
    the whole sex thing...its difficult for me because i act the same always i dont like confrontation so sometimes during sex i dont even look at girls faces because it gets weird for me ....unless im dating that girl.

    hos be tripping on their periods some stronger than other but i always notice the difference.

    I see what your saying and i agree things should be equal but ....but also my op was kind of biased because i was talking about one type of girl in general....the spoiled sexy hot bitchy girls....that alot of dudes like to chase and then they get upset when they cheat on them

    my op isn't really pertaining to normal chill type girls even though there have been cases where those normal girls have cheated on their boyfriends because the boyfriend wasn't as manly/dominant as they wanted.

    its like i always ask girls.....if there was an argument and a guy called his girl a bitch or some shit and the guy doesn't protect her honor and dominate that situation shes gonna be like oh...he's a pussy and it most likely wont go anywhere from there.

    there's alot more i want to type but i don't want to write a book lol.

    basically what i want to say is a guy cant ever be a pussy he has to own his domain, that doesn't necessarily mean he has to be super controlling and a cunt.....but know what decisions to make and how and when to make them because women alot of dumb shit because of their emotions and how they feel at a certain moment and dont think about the future.

    not all women but a good amount.
  16. Allow me to summarize, and perhaps revise the OP:

    Women cheat because they want some good dick.
  17. [quote name='"Cloud10Beats"']

    basically what i want to say is a guy cant ever be a pussy he has to own his domain, that doesn't necessarily mean he has to be super controlling and a cunt.....but know what decisions to make and how and when to make them because women alot of dumb shit because of their emotions and how they feel at a certain moment and dont think about the future.

    not all women but a good amount.[/quote]

    Ha... A GREAT fucking amount.
  18. I think there are a lot of reasons that people cheat-- and one of the main reasons in my opinion is that there isn't enough reality built into the foundation of people's relationships.
    We're brought up with this idea that there is only one person out there for us, the truest of all true loves, the soul mate of a lifetime, riding off into the sunset with all these great passionate displays of love and affection--- yeah that. Hollywood romance bullshit.

    In reality, and what I like to call "mature relationships" that hardly exists. The great passionate displays of love are actually someone who will put up with rubbing your nasty feet after a long days work. Or someone who will run out to the store at 4am to get you a bag of beef jerky and tampons. Now that's romance! Well, an over-simplified version of romance, but true nonetheless. When you try to base your relationship on this idea of hollywood romance, you are bound to be disappointed and waste so much of your life stuck in a place that you never actually wanted to be in from the get-go. The real romance comes from time, perseverance, communication (real communication, not just talking about the weather!), understanding and willingness to compromise by making some hard sacrifices.

    I hardly believe that there is only one person out there for us; especially since throughout our lifetimes we change so much and so often. I believe it's a bit ludicrous to think that solely one person can provide you with all your wants, needs and desires through your whole life and it's a bit unrealistic, in my opinion, to put that kind of pressure on anyone. I see no shame in seeking out compromises to get those needs met through outside sources in order to fulfill your life. I see shame in LIES and DECEPTION when that communication and understanding is such a vital part of relationships.
    I think there are a plethora of WRONG people for us, however; and that after flipping through all the bad people we are more inclined to settle for something slightly better than before (thinking it's just so dreamy!) rather than setting our sights high for what we actually want. After time goes on, you realize that you never really wanted that from the beginning-- you never built a real foundation because your expectations and ideals got in the way. It happens all the time to the best of us.

    I'm... gonna stop there. It's turning into a novel.
  19. I don't like to argue, I just don't like bullshit. I don't agree with the Bible, but time and time again it clearly says that wives are to be submissive to their husbands.
  20. #20 shestones, Sep 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2012

    See it depends for me... when I have kinky sex I put my game face on. Lol. I just change.. in regular life I'm goofy and awkward and kind of talk like a dude, but when I get turned on I'm different, I turn into my dudes dirty cum slut . If I'm just having sex as in non kinky fuckery (I'm not sure if anyone will catch that reference) then I'm still me. Haha this one time I was giving my ex head (after smoking) and How High was on and I couldn't finish blowing him because we both kept laughing at How High.

    Doing the dominant thing in the bed is role playing.. so its different then just being a dominant person in life.

    I think you make a good point. I know girls like the ones you describe, the bitchy type. Two of my friends are kind if like that (talked about them in the "why women bitch" thread) and they do like the type of guy that will stand up for them and not be a pussy. I think you're confusing not being a pussy and being dominant though. My bestfriend is the bitchy type and she was with this guy who was nice and he wasn't a pussy at all, but he isn't dominant. She broke up with him and got with this dominant guy a little while later. She got tired of dealing with his shit, broke up with him and then she ended getting back together with the guy she broke up with originally, the non dominant, non pussy one and now they're engaged.

    Of course most girls want a guy to stand up for them, its understandable. I personally don't really care, I hate confrontation of any kind. Id want the guy to be willing to say something, but I don't care if he actually does. Stupid girls like their boyfriends to fight for them.

    In my 18 years of being a female and knowing other females I don't think any girl has ever cheated because the guy wasn't dominant. Girls usually cheat because their not being emotionally satisfied by their man. If the girl isn't being satisfied sexually and she might cheat, usually under the influence of alcohol.

    Lol why do you think women are so emotional and unable to make rational decisions? Where do you live man? I'm starting to think its the girls that live in your area.

    Lmao "hos be trippin on their periods" hahaha! I love that. I don't know... I might be a little bitchy the first day, and by bitchy I just mean being a smart ass for no reason, but that's about it... for me at least. Who are these girls you know? Sounds like they're fuckin up.

    Sorry for the long post. Fuck it, half my posts are long as shit anyway lol

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