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why when i have been token do i drink when my plants are not ready

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by herbman0276, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. why when i have ben token since i was ten do i drink when my plants are not ready
  2. Alright dude. Either you smoked alooot of fucking weed and am blazed outa your mind, Or your a Ratard. I go with smoked alota weed.

    What do you mean? lol. I thought for like 5 minutes about your question and am still dumb found.
  3. try again...
  4. this is a fail of epic proportions!!
    *insert funny fail pic here*
  5. :confused: Does not compute.

  6. Because the drinking kills the pain of not having weed.

  7. Ahh you got it man. You are a clever one!!!
    Yeah he drinks because he has no hookups to get weed while his plants are growing.
  8. LMFAO! LOL Yes. My answer to this question is "Blue londar token drinkin puffin jsadl;, ofnds yes, no, maybe so
  9. I'm going to translate what he said "why when i have been token do i drink when my plants are not ready" I think he drinks his plants water when he gets cottonmouth from toking. But other than that. What?
  10. nonono, I think he means it like, He drinks alcahol when his marijuana plants are growing because he dosnt have weed because his plants are growing still. lol
  11. I wish I saw this when I was high. I would have looked at the title for like, 20 minutes and I would have made up some higher meaning.

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