why the fuck are we here?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by igggeric, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. [quote name='"PrincessTHC"']To work, consume and die for our corporate overlords.[/quote]

    SHIT ! You are so right , im fucking depressed now lol :smoke :)
  2. To reproduce
  3. does it fucking matter?

    simple question
  4. "We are the matter of the cosmos contemplating itself."
    I think thats a sagan quote. Or close to.
    I like it.
  5. I googled "medical marijuana":)
  6. To continue the ever ending path of technology and advancement. All along while having the ego trick humans into believing all the bullshit around them and not see the big picture.

    This is until people messed around with ganja and psychedelics and started thinking for themselves and how bizarre this whole race to nothing is.

  7. I'm sure I wouldn't like the taste of dog shit because society tells me it tastes gross. :eek:
  8. To be happy an enjoy your life. Do whatever you feel like doing and try to make others happy in their lives. Once its over just be glad you were along for the ride. Thats how i see it. I dont love living, but i dont hate it so ill do it while i can and while its available and make it as enjoyable as i can to myself and others. Nothing else matters to me.

  9. Who knows? People top up on Aspartame and Fluoride because TV tells them to.
  10. the fact of the matter is nobody knows and probably never will. So why not be all we can be during our stay
  11. lol...I know you know that we dislike the taste of dog shit for reasons other than because the media would say it is gross.
  12. When a leaf falls, it falls.
  13. So Jasper doesn't get lonely!

  14. #36 PeruvianDank, Nov 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2011
    Life has no point. This makes it more special. Each of us gives their existence a purpose.

    Life probably originated by mistake or by organic molecules that needed to absorb energy in a more efficient way. They achieved this by structuring themselves into highly complex, organized and specialized forms that allowed better energy intake. After 3.5 billions of years of evolution, you have highly intelligent species like humans, chimpanzees, dolphins, etc.
  15. Because Genghis Kahn allowed you to be here.
  16. Are you searching for an objective answer?
  17. Really like that peruviandank. If life had a point to it, it would be awful. We'd all have to do the same thing to come to this "point". There wouldn't be true freedom.

    We really do create our life point. Which is why we should never judge others on what they want to do in their lives. You think your point is right and they think the same about theirs.
  18. We are here to.........<insert every verb known to Man here>

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