I'm gonna introduce something this part of grasscity rarely uses, logic. We of all people should know the key part of taking any drug is dosage with it directly related to tolerance. Now lets think about this... Fluoride is in all of our water, which is used in production of a large amount of our food. Fluoride is not some magical drug that we wouldn't build a tolerance too and if it's in all of food and water we consume once we hit 6 months old I think our body would sorta block it out so to say. Come on, common sense.
well the nazi's put fluoride in the water supply at every concentration camp-it was used to promote infertility and sedentary behavior amongst the camps population, just saying...
The John Birch Society used to claim it was a communist plot. Stanley Kubrek's film, Dr. Strangelove, parodied the JBS and it's obsession with water floridation with it's references to "precious bodily fluids".
Other reasons it's BS: - water filters can remove 100% of the fluoride in tap water, so unless filters become illegal there's no way the government can force you to drink fluoridated water - the government doesn't just dump that shit into the tap water; they regulate fluoride levels to maintain a range of about .5 to 1 mg/L. Since fluoride is naturally found in tap water in varying concentrations, the government doesn't add anything to water that is naturally at the right concentration, and actually removes fluoride from water that has too much - I can't find any information about the Nazis using it in concentration camps but I'm guessing that if they did, and it worked, they were using a much higher concentration than 1mg/L for the simple reason that Americans have been drinking fluoridated water for around 50 years and we're still fertile.
I think it's safe to assume the water at the Nazi concentration camps sucked. There was probably shit and piss mixed in with the extreme amounts of fluoride water.
Quote from Alfred Taylor, Ph.D, in a scientific letter appearing in the Oct. 2, 1965 issue of Saturday Review: " ... My contact with fluoridation came about as a result of cancer research. In one project, various chemicals were added to the drinking water of mice susceptible to cancer in order to check the responsibility that some chemicals might delay the onset of the disease or prevent it altogether. Among the chemicals used in this research was sodium fluoride. In the first two preliminary tests, the results obtained indicated that mice drinking fluoridated water tended to develop cancer at an earlier age as compared with control animals maintained on fluoride-free water. These earlier tests were followed by further investigations so that altogether, twelve experiments involving 645 mice were used in this research. The data indicated that drinking water with as little as 1 PPM shortened the life span of mice an average of nine per cent. This was true whether death was due to cancer or non-cancerous diseases. The only notice proponents of fluoridation gave to this work was to discredit it as much as possible. ... In experiments where the drug was added directly to suspensions of cancer tissue before inoculation into eggs or mice, sodium fluoride stimulated the growth of cancer tissue in concentrations of one part in more than 20 million. Scientists at Cambridge University (British Medical Journal, Oct 26, 1963) discovered that concentrations of sodium fluoride as low as one part in ten million inhibited the growth of a culture of human tissue. ... the growing weight of scientific evidence that water-borne fluorides, even at 1 ppm, have toxic possibilities must finally be recognized." ALFRED TAYLOR, Ph.D. Clayton Foundation, Biochemical Institute, University of Texas, Austin Texas, 1965.
Nowadays you can find studies that say anything. The majority of studies show that fluoridated water has only an increased health risk in fluorosis. There is no consensus that it is linked to cancer. Systematic reviews are better because they review several relevant studies and form a conclusion based on these studies. http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/file/publications/synopses/Eh41_Flouridation_PART_A.pdf The 1991 report The effectiveness of water fluoridation (National Health and Medical Research Council, 1991), commissioned by the NHMRC, outlined the following conclusions: –– Water fluoridation to 1ppm is deemed to provide an optimal balance between reduction of caries and occurrence of fluorosis; –– There is no evidence of adverse health effects of water fluoridation at 1ppm; –– Increase in caries is evident when water is defluoridated; and –– Water fluoridation at 1ppm provides a 20-40% reduction in caries. The existing systematic review by McDonagh et al (2000a) concluded that there is no clear association between water fluoridation and overall cancer incidence or mortality (for ‘all cause' cancer, and specifically for bone cancer and osteosarcoma). The authors state that the evidence relating fluoridation to cancer incidence or mortality is mixed, with small variations on either side of the effect. When considering all of the analyses, 11 found the direction of the association to be positive (fewer cancers with fluoridation), 2 found no association, and 9 found the direction to be negative (more cancers with fluoridation). Only two studies reported statistically significant associations - one study reporting a decrease in cancer mortality (Smith et al ,1980) and one reporting an increase in cancer incidence in two of the eight subgroups they investigated (Lynch et al, 1985). You got to look at the big picture, not just one study. And I have never found a legitimate source for fluoride being used by Nazis. If you have one, I'd take a look at it.
i can tell you for a fact that in this town theres no flouride in the water bc i used to fucking work for the fucking water department and all they fucking put in that shit is chlorine and ammonia. but of course thats just the water that they draw from wells at various sites throughout town. theres other water that comes in from other places. im not an expert on that water.
Fluoride is a mineral, not a drug. Saying you're gonna build up a tolerance is like saying you're gonna build up a tolerance to calcium cuz you eat it everyday in a bunch of foods.
I dont believe that either but im still happy my town doesnt put fluoride in the water. Its called water for a reason and nothing else should be in it unless i put it in.
Do you realize that fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?
Nice theory but fluoride is actually a mineral not a drug, you do not build a tolerance to minerals. The toxicity of fluoride is actually quite well known, Hitler actually had plans to use fluoride to poison populations of people that he did not like. There are numerous studies about how fluoride is bad for your brain, which is why most of the civilized world already has it banned.