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Why Space Case?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bluedream420x, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Basically just what the title suggests. Why should I invest my money in a space case? Why not buy another brand that is cheaper and still serves the purpose of grinding up my bud and not getting metal flakes in there like cheap grinders? Convince me blades!!! :smoke:
  2. haha well first off bro. it just feels soild and like its made very well. its going to be hard to find a grinder that you know for a fact wont get metal flakes in ur bud for much cheaper. maybe like 20-30 bucks less?? idk. it does do the same job as every other grinder, but it does its job well, very well ahah. i also have heard that space case along with cosmic grinders (another very nice grinder) are bot approved by some federation or something for controlling products made to use with consumable things. basically cosmic and space case are made in a way that they are completely safe to use with things your going to ingest. i dont know that much about that fact though. just something i heard a while back. also space case and cosmic are made in the USA if that matters to you. (most grinders aren't made here). just get it dude. you wont be disappointed. theyre amazing i have a space case and cosmic and love them both.
  3. i bought my titanium grinder from a local headshop for about 35 dollars. doesn't get metal chips in my shit that i've noticed.

    i really don't think you need to invest in that shit unless you really feel the need to you know? i really love the grinder i have, it's shiny black, and relatively large.
  4. chromium crusher. costs less, badass. All i gotta say
  5. #5 iamgone, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    not saying u have a bad grinder or that your grinder is putting flakes in ur bud. but if it is, you wouldnt notice the flakes (you might but you would have to look really really hard). they would be too small. so be safe

    ive heard good things about chromium crushers as cheaper alternatives to space case and cosmic grinders. it really all comes down to u. go to a head shop that carries all of em and see how they feel in ur hand. see which one feels more comfortable.
  6. I have the chromium crusher, and as long as you treat it right it will treat you right.
  7. space case are the best cuz they're made in the USA and titainium and feel smooth as butter.
  8. I have used TrueBlendz and love it! I got mine from a site that was only $35 and there was free shipping too! If you GOOGLE prestige pipes grinders, you'll see what I mean. Skip the cheap plastic garbage. TrueBlendz are made in the USA using aerospace grade aluminum. Buy this one and you'll never need to buy another one again.
  9. #9 Jdahms, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    there are tons of good grinders

    from my experience Sharpstone, mendo mulcher, and SSV are the best brands. everything else can suck it

    right now i use a sharpstone. it has the best screen and teeth of any grinder ive ever used.

    this is the one i use [​IMG]
  10. If it ain't a Space Case then GTFO!

    Naw, but seriously though, I own one and it will probably be the last one I ever have to buy. This thing is very high quality.

    Not saying that there aren't other good grinders out there.

    Space Case is like the RooR of grinders.
  11. I love my Sharpstone, stays sharp and gives me soo much keif. i just love it.
  12. i have a kanastor and i love it! ive already gotten like a gram of kief from it. and ive only had it about a month and a half and thats not aggressively shaking the grinder. just using it to grind weed for bowls/blunts.
    ps. click the link to see pics of it :]
  13. Then What is the toro of grinders? :smoke:
  14. I only said RooR because it's the most well known High end glass.

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