Why some people don't see "God" (not a man in the sky)

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Outside of Time, May 13, 2011.

  1. Very nice thread, this idea boggles a lot of people. In my eyes a lot of it is the corruption and illusions created by man. Such as some religions...

    If you don't believe in it, respect to you. You can not understand that which you don't seek out and watch as it touches you and others around you.

    Live and let live.
  2. It’s funny to me, because some people place faith in Science. What they don’t understand, is mystics place faith that science proves a higher power (nature). Which one makes more sense? Science doesn’t prove anything.. just question after question. Cause and effect is infinite, until you accept the cause.

  3. Science is more of the how not the why, IMO.
  4. Word, they're not mutually exclusive...
  5. your entire post is a falacy, because your still trying to imagine a being of unimaginable power
  6. It doesn't make sense how people claim "god" can't exist because of science. "God" could very well be the creator of science. If "god' didn't want science to be able to prove or disprove "god's" existence "god" would have created it that way. Or maybe "god" and "heaven" are just states of the mind and there is no beginning and end. There are so many possibilities and its impossible to know the truth. I just keep an open mind and except the fact that I don't know the truth. Live in the now and do what you think is right. If "god" exists, "god" will understand.
  7. if you get out of the city and into some nature, you can really hear that station a lot clearer in the wind, water & animals etc. than in the barage on your senses that is modern western city living.

    you can sense it look up into the vast universe (everyone should REALLY see the milky way once in their lives at least) or you can see it down to the scale that our eyes aren't even able to see anymore getting smaller than bugs and down to the reduce reuse recycle bacteria level.

    nothing like breathing clean air in a quiet location to slow the mind down to real time. trails through forests in particular are very relaxing on hot days anywhere. the mind just relaxes in the semi-random fractals of the real world or the white noise of water.

    the station is on a random channel. it doesn't play a song, it plays a billion symphonies at once in the uncertainties of no peeking quantum physics. it tunes you in when no one else is looking. other dimensions & energies are beyond one's perceptions and even imagination.

    everywhere you look in nature, it's there in the fractals from the shapes of the galaxies to the littlest things on the ground doing their thing if you ever stopped and looked again.
  8. Stereotypically peaceful settings do make it much easier to see.

    The more tuned in you are, though, the more situations you can hear it in :)
  9. Yes, I have gone through an awakening recently and have learned many many things about life as we know it. I see everything completely differently now and I see the corruption and fakery that which the world is consumed in. One thing you must realize is that since we all originate form the Source (god) and we are all sparks of god fire, we are all ONE. There is no difference between me, and you. Which is why you must not hate on each other as it is to hate yourself.

  10. There is but there isn't. :)

    We are all one, yes, logically we'd consider this "The Human Race" but, as much as it sounds nice to say we are all one, we are all experiencing the same thing form different perspectives and backgrounds.

    And for the record, I haven't studied much about the after life, because I don't care it'll happen one day, but the whole "heaven and hell" thing seems to be more of a fear based control because if you "don't believe in god, you're going straight to FUCKING HELLLLL!!!!!!"

    In my opinion, we're already there... look around you see heaven, look around some more you see hell. :D
  11. I've always had a similar thought. If there was a god, it wouldn't be a man in the sky. It would be in everything. In you, your computer chair, your shoes, the ground,the trees,.....everything. So I guess if one considers god to be everything in the physical universe, then yes it does exist. However, that is simply labeling the universe as "god", so it's just putting another name on it.
  12. Define "energy."

    Whether or not there is a god, science has a very damn good picture of how the universe works and makes testable predictions that can be confirmed or falsified. Science has been successful in determining how we got here and its success will continue. Also, if you think that scientists or science are arrogant, well then frankly you don't know dick about either.

    The reason that people don't "see" God is because there really is no testable evidence that one exists, nor is there any rational reason to believe in one, or that one is even a remote possibility. Simple as that. So it seems that you have methods to determine the presence of God. Let's hear them and let's see if they are legitimate methods that withstand double-blind experimentation. What is your evidence that a god exists? Before you answer, let me remind you that anecdotal evidence is not a valid form of evidence, as it cannot be verified.

    It sounds like you want to dish out your opinions, but you don't want to hear any criticism of it. Personally, if I give my viewpoints, I'm open to criticism so I can make them stronger. What you call "negativity" is what I call an exchange of ideas. You can make an assumption as to whether or not my life sucks, but it will not have any legitimate basis.
  13. "that scientists or science are arrogant," scientists are arrogant, many of them, read a couple of biographies.

    Don't try to search for god, as it will find you. You must just clear your mind of everything, if thoughts come at you observe them and realise there is an observer. What is this observer? Silent, unjudgemental, passive. Be the observer.
  14. I see no point in your god and claiming it's anything more than energy...
  15. I live with two scientists and I know some of the folks that they work with. I've been to an American Geophysical Union convention as a guest and had the opportunity to talk to a variety of scientists from different disciplines. Hell, I'm in college studying science and I'm on good terms with my professors. I have read books written by sceintists and am currently in the middle of Richard Feynman's autobiography. In addition to that, I also read the blogs of various scientists. In my experience, scientists are incredible humble and always admit when there are things that they don't know, as opposed to religious folk that that think they are above needing evidence to support their beliefs, claim to know things that they have no way in justifying, and think that this universe, which is 13.7 billion years old and 93 billion light years across, was created just for humans on this infinitesimal rock in a very tiny region of the universe. So enlighten me, who exactly are the arrogant ones?
  16. People love to throw the term "energy" around, and I have this small feeling that they haven't a clue as to what it means, so that's why I asked the OP to define energy.
  17. See how he side-stepped the entire discussion with a vague response that bears no evidence?

    Stop trying to convince him otherwise, because you are just going to get these types of responses.
  18. #38 Outside of Time, May 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2011
    I don't need to make any assumptions about your life, it is what it is.

    Energy to me is the driving force behind life, what keeps the electrons spinning around the nucleus of atoms, what attracts and repels magnets from one another, etc.

    "If you think science or scientists are arrogant then you don't know dick about either"

    I would say that statement in and of itself it quite an arrogant one.

    I've said this before, but I'll say it again for your benefit. Science is not able to prove or provide evidence for God, because God does not operate under repeatable circumstances in a closed environment. So because our science is not yet able to comprehend/understand/prove the complexities that are "God" then they do not exist?

    I asked nicely to please keep negativity out of this thread, and I don't wish to argue with you so this will be the last response you'll receive from me. Any other argumentative posts will merely garner a quote of what I said in the OP about negativity.

  19. Seems organized religion/churchianity is more worried about their PROFITS than God Itself. Almost every religion is inherently flawed in some way, you gotta take the good and drop the bad from various ones and you'll get a much better picture.
  20. Might want to check out Ramana Maharshi's work or the Buddhist truth of emptiness is form and form is emptiness.

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