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Why solar hits are amazing...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by recondite, May 17, 2009.

  1. wow this is an awesome idea. I can't believe it never crossed my mind before. I'm going to try this, the next time I buy more ganja I'll get a magnifying glass as well.
  2. Just took a couple nice solar hits and I noticed that the smoke was not as harsh. Hopefully if these clouds go away i can take some more.
  3. I might get me one and try and light my g-bong with it.
    If it's as good as you make it sound then I'll be a happy man.
  4. ive been doin solar hits the past couple days, its soooo tasty and the most efficient way to smoke!
  5. I just tried a solar hit for the first time a couple min ago. I can't say I was able to taste a difference from smoking with a lighter but I sure felt like a badass!
  6. thats freaking funny!!! :smoke:
  7. I do this a lot as is, smoking hashish with a magnifying glass is a lot better too. if i am not mistaken, on an average day the magnifying glass is not as hot as the butane flame so you burn it better (butane is too hot)
  8. I've done this a few times when i couldnt find a lighter or something. My friends wouldnt believe me that it would work... Guess who won a few bowl packs :)
  9. Never tried that and now Im curious. I have this one but I don't know if it's too big...

  10. I tried it once while camping.

    Harnessing the energy of the sun in its purest form to unleash the beauty of nature through the power of marijuana. :hippie:
  11. I've never tried it, never got the chance to. As soon as I do though, shit's goin' down.

    Ehem, please wear sunglasses.
  12. my feeling has always been, if you are tasting butane, then your torching your weed or its not broken up well enough. i tried hempwick ones just bc the headshop gave me free samples and i thought it was pretty pointless. i guess its cool to try tho
  13. I fucking love solar hits.

    If im awake and energetic enough around noontime Ill climb out on my roof and sit up against the chimney ripping my bong.

    Its pretty damn chill except when your climbing down...After some hash that gets pretty scary.
  14. I tried it using a regular glass pipe. I didn't really notice much of a difference. Tasted the same and the high was pretty much identical. Still very very cool though. I'd do it again just because it takes a certain amount of finesse to do it properly.

    Oh, it also saves the bowl. We got about 10 hits out of one bowl when we normally get 6-8. That's very very nice, another reason to use mother nature when smoking herb. :smoking:
  15. #95 dpk2313, Aug 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2010
    yeah smoking on the roof can be risky business, Ive never solar hit on the roof tho mostly the woods or back yard
  16. See, we aren't irresponsible, were going green, literally, figuratively, and metaphorically
  17. Can't wait to try it, i've got a small biconvex lense from a torch that is awesome for burning stuff :hello:
  18. I used to have a glass pipe that had a magnifying glass blown into the side of it. the magnifying glass was adjustable height and angle so once you had it right you could take hits 1 handed. I cant remember what happened to it... this was like 9 years ago haha.
  19. wow, how cool is it to actually light your bud from the sun. but shit i live in seattle and its always raining
  20. How many lighters would we save if every stoner found it more practical to light their bowls using solar flame or, beeline and a candle? Lighters out of the landfills and whatever chemicals lighters release into the atmosphere.

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