Why smoking tool gets you the highest?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by theotherone420, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. To measure the efficiency of something, you'd have to have the same person smoke the same amount of the same weed out of all of the different pieces, and see which is the most efficient at using all of the THC in the weed. It makes sense to me that a vaporizer would get the most (not saying it does, just that it sounds viable). But if you just want to get messed up, I'd say bongs are a good way to do it, because they often have large chambers to build smoke. Also, something with a big bowl. One night, I loaded my hookah with 2 grams of weed in one bowl, and smoked that when I was already high. I was gone.
  2. Vapest get me the most. My tolerance is real lowwwwww! After that comes the bong. Which I think is more enjoyable to smoke too. :D
  3. honestly it depends on the type of high your looking for. from ym experience i hae bought one of each smoking device and etibble,vape,smoking give a dif type of high then most people expect. u've had people swear by it that vapes don't get them the least bit buzzed and had the opposite reaction as well.that "stoney" type of high comes mostly form smoking i kinda noticed. when you eat it it's more of a head high/body high come down.and for vapes... it just kinda hits you but more in the head aspect also depending on the bud you got.
    my personal favorite is the bong cause sometimes when i exhale that huge milky hit theres them times were i just get straight up stupid for like 5 to 10 seconds which feel like hours till its gone.
  4. bongs, then blunts.
  5. You were all close, but just of the mark. You get ur blunt, and put it in the bottle cap for you water fall. 3ltr bottles work best. tastes like as but you'll be in outerspace xD
  6. I found the exact same thing. When i first started, i never wanted to do anything but bongs because they got me highest but slowly i got more used to them. Now i mostly do joints. I only really do a bong when im with friends because they like em better, or when i wanna do it quick :smoke:
  7. Just buy a nice glass pipe.
  8. My twelve inch roller. One bowl off that gets me baked. I love that piece so much.
  9. Longest high: edible cookie. My cousin warned me beforehand to eat only half, and he was right. Was very much high for at least 5 hours.

    Strongest high: In my opinion this is more about the weed than the method of taking it in. I had a batch once called "Super Skunk" and that shit hit really hard. Although I will mention that my personal preference is smoking with a bong. After years of burning my throat that first time I hit a bong and felt that cool smoke rushing into my lungs I was hooked and have loved it ever since.

    I haven't had the chance to get high from a vaporizer yet. Looking forward to it.
  10. Depends on what you mean. If you mean highest in general then I would say even across the board, you can just keep smoking and anything will get you just as high.

    If you mean highest per hit: bong. I can take a bigger rip off a bong than a GB so that would win.

    If you mean highest per set amount of weed: vape. If I packed a bowl I could get about 3 hits off of smoking I can probably get about 10-20, maybe more off of vaping depending on the strain. If you hold in vape as long as possible you can absorb all of the thc and other goodies in the smoke, which takes over 20 seconds from my experience. If you held in smoke for that long you would really fuck up your lungs. So, more hits, more THC and cannabinoid absorbtion per hit...Vapes win for me.
  11. Gb's for sure, first time I had one ( a year after I started smoking) I "lost" my hearing for a good 5 minutes haha, although I actually dislike them a lot since they hit very harsh on my throat but it does get me retarded high with very little bud. A bong gets me right where I wanna be. My bong hooked up to my vape even better :smoke:
  12. my silver surfer to bong setup.

    pure beast.
  13. bongs n bubbs til death mayne
  14. the exhaust pipe of my car when I leave it running and close the garage door
  15. I no longer buy, its homeade or nothing.. Unless i get it for free. XD

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