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Why press Kief?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MrGers, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. I have a ton of kief and a friend told me i could use his press. But i can't figure out y.
    all he uses pressed kief for is to top bowls, but if ur gonna do that then y press it to begin with?
  2. ive pondered on that myself. i think it justs makes it easier to work with.
  3. Well if you have a good amount of kief and you press it in a kief press you get HASH!!!

    Hash=super high and very small and portable.
  4. Kief is a form of hash, all hash is is concentrated resin heads (Trichomes). Personaly I prefer not to press my kief, I find it to be much more manageable and easier to smoke.
  5. when you use the press, it will make hash which is stronger than keif.

    think of each trichome as a popcorn seed, and the press a microwave. When you press the keif, they "explode" releasing more thc.
  6. cause you can carry that shit around with out worrying kief spillage
  7. The resin heads aren't going to release any more THC than they already contain, if anything the THC would oxidize and turn into CBD (due to the trichomes bursting), resulting in a slightly stonier smoke.
  8. I'm sorry but that seems like nonsense to me god4point0.
  9. I'd imagine that it becomes much denser, thus allowing more to be consumed per hit because more can by lit/fit into the bowl at once.

  10. fuck you're right... damn thc cbd suv ocd acronyms
  11. I hate you and your kind, god4point0
  12. What's with all of this? ^^^
  13. I've never pressed my kief. :confused_2:
  14. You can carry hash around easier, and spread it in joints better (I roll a little hash sausage the length of the j)

  15. I think it's just a preference more then anything. After I save up a ton of kief from my grinder I take a butter knife and use it to top bowls. Works fine for me :D.

  16. I use a pocket knife with a katana tip in order to get all the kief out of the cracks and crevices and I usually use a bobby pin to gently mix my kief in with my ground up ganja.:smoking:
  17. in my way of thinking...
    pressed keif is the same as un pressed as far as the high ur gna get
    pressed you can sell easier
    unpressed you can spread on your weed easier
    either way its all better than nothing, but i dont called pressed keif hash, theres a few types of hash and ways to make it and pressing keif around me has always been called bubble hash but and known that its pressed keif, also selling for a bit less than great hash like some moroccan hash

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