well i figure before i go on owth the rest of this ill let you all know im pritty drunk right now. ive rank about 1/4 of a bottle of smirnoff tripple distilled. im on my laptop which hasnt been turned on in FOREVER and i got it to wrok somehow i just dont remember. well im feeling damn good. GC is one of the few places where i feel i canpost what ifeel without being rediculed to heavily. this may sound like another drunk sob storry but i mean it. latley this place has become more of a family and i feel i can post about anything i want here and not feel judged loike i do in the "normal" world. gor remind me... i need to drink more, more offten.
Hell yeah homie. Bad day, Worst night. Im damned if i do, Damned if dont, Holler fuck the world while my chest full of smoke. Another DWUI, Drunk and fucking high, Ill be out before the sun can touch the sky. I know that i, Must be high, So that i can function. ^^Thas how i feel. Im drunk as a motherfucker. Broke as a joke so smoking resin. Oh well, Im feelin better then i have all day, This the highlight of my day.
a second home...thats exactly how it is for me too. I have my history set to 0 days, yet whenever i type in "G" Grasscity always pops up. Hell if it wasnt for GC, i would have no need for the internet.
wow.... i dont even remeber posting this thread... well i do kinda... be lucky i passed out after i posted this otherwise youd see 12 replies from me and theyd all be drunkin sob stories this was the start of a drunk sob story. hahaha
hell yea gc is the best place ever i cant believe i found this place i actually found it ealrier than when i joined but i never saw the forum section im glad i did because now i cant stopm posting