Why piss tests destroy good people

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by HippieInDaSkyz, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Me and my buddy where inseperable, grew up together going through the same shit, truely life long friends, or so I thought. In the turning point of this so called war on drugs, urinalysis tests are prevelant, and it was never a concern for either of us, until my buddy got caught up in some shit he had no business being caught in. He got off relativly easy, some probabtion and a fine. But, part of his probation was the dreaded piss test, something any smoker knows is particularly effective for detecting the prescence of THC. "Weed stays in your system to long, can't risk it" he told me. But my buddy apparently didn't hold my resolve against the harder drugs, which despite their devestating ability to ruin a life, are only detectable for a short period of time. Due to knowing when he was going to be tested, he did the calculations, and a few weeks into his probation told me he had bought some cocaine. Obviously the story doesn't end there but for this soap box rant it suits it's end. The fear of the piss tests ruined his life, destroyed our friendship, and did nothing to help society. As a pot smoker, his danger to society was limited to driving and eating all the macaroni at an all you can eat buffet, the drug war's infamous policies turned him into a threat no marijuana smoker can compete with.
    Just something to think about in regards to the consequences of this drug war, and they think their protecting us...
  2. Its not right man, if they asked me for a piss test i'd say "Go F^&K yourself" this is my body and im not giving you any right to test it and judge it with your irrational laws. Its too bad all the politicians have shit for brains. In Canada we don't have piss tests for anything besides sports really. Americans should say "No, i dont have to" to the DEA, be proud of your freedom and dont let them step all over it, your FREE PEOPLE!!!! YOU JUST HAVE TO PROVE IT!
  3. He gave up those rights when he went on probation. Simple as that.
  4. Hard drugs have a bad rep IMO. I know plenty of recreational users that use hard drugs and are better off than most.

    Also, correlation =/= causation

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