My other ones are standing i have about three like this. Please help what I'm doing wrong? Sent from my SM-J327P using Grasscity Forum mobile app
She is stretching because the light is not enough try to move the light closer, and try to tie the plant into something without destroying the main stem Sent from my ASUS_Z00A using Tapatalk
Not enough light or plants not close enough. What are you using for lighting? My current 6 Jock Horror Autos, coco coir grow.
Cfl, I'll get em closer, and bury the stem, thanks. It's bright as hell I was worry about too much lighting I'm glad I'm in this forum. I'll put some more cfl in a few months I buy some T5 I just in low budget now. Sent from my SM-J327P using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Ok, I'm going to make like a lamp which I can pull with a string as she grow. Sent from my SM-J327P using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Just an update most of my girls are standing now I change the lights to this panels each have 7 cfl bulb 100watts. But I don't know why the don't grow I planted the germinated seed since the 1st of August I haven't need to water the soil since then, they are BUBBLEgum auto they told me to put it in big pots. Please help what you think is going on friends?
Plants grow faster when started in small containers with light airy soil. I know you're growing autos but I have transplanted autos before with no slow down in growth. Why did you only fill the buckets 1/2 full?
But I better the one I did it i remember she die Sent from my SM-J327P using Grasscity Forum mobile app
They should be ready in 70 days I don't think it happen they look so little Sent from my SM-J327P using Grasscity Forum mobile app