why my friends don't talk to me no more?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Loud202Pack, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Me and my friends are seniors at high school. And it's been 2 weeks that my friends been ignoring me, like if i see them they won't say anything, they will just talk shit about me. I think is because they are jealous that i smoke weed, ever since ive smoked weed alot they been acting like that.
    What would you do if they change there minds and say hey was up to you one day?
    Should i just ignore them too, they are 2 face.
  2. Cuz there's a rumor going around that you're GAY.
  3. They're not friends if they are gonna talk shit behind your back and ignore you. You will find out in life you will meet very few REAL friends.
  4. That's weird, my friends have been ignoring a kid for the same reason, we don't really talk shit, just ignore him. Yes, we're homophobes.

    I'm kidding dude haha :smoke:

    Maybe you should keep your smoking on the DL.

  5. do they smoke weed too?
    if not they r just closed minded sobs
  6. In the grand scheme of things High School is a miserable period of time that we all have to endure. Friends made in HS are not friends that you need to be worried about keeping for the rest of your life, they're just that, HS friends.

    Don't worry about it, move on.

  7. If they dont smoke weed much, dont constantly talk about it around them. Believe me, it irritates them.

  8. Please do not think you are cool because you smoke weed.
  9. lol if they're just gonna talk shit like bitches, then let them talk shit. just pack a bowl of salvia and offer it to em ;) (just kidding..)
  10. Bro.... I AM cool for smoking weed. :cool:
  11. I definitely attribute my social status to cannabis.

    In that I know longer give a fuck what my peers are concerned with, really put a damper on my popularity kick
  12. Disregard popularity, acquire weed
  13. To me, this right here says it all.

    Many younger individuals tend to believe that somehow marijuana has made their every casual analogy deeply profound. Most people, including other marijuana consumers, can assure the younger smoke that this is, in fact, not the case.

    However, if the younger smoker is somehow unaware that this is not the case, and goes around explaining how unbelievably profound the commonplace is, it will be sure to annoy, especially as it occupies a larger and larger portion of the younger smoker's conversation.

    Fortunately, most will grow out of this with experience and time.

  14. I gotta say senior year of highschool, especially after getting accepted to my ED school, was one of the best times of my life. And my group of friends from highschool I have known half since elementary school or before, the others since middle school, same with a good amount of the kids that werent in my group but who we partied with. I can tell you for sure my group of friends from high school will be the closest friends I keep for life. Obviously this isnt the case for everyone but I wouldnt call highschool miserable or your friends from there pointless.
  15. [​IMG]
  16. yea they are not real friends.

    I had a issue with one of my good friends i have known since kindergarden. He wanted a bag and i told him he could come and get it but then i called back and said my mom just got home so he coulnt get it and now he does not even talk to me. i think thats total bull. like is he really not going to chill with me any more just cuz i told him he could not come.

    friends can be fake when ever they please so just remember that. you real friends will never be fake. and thats how you tell the good from the bad.

  17. i think you posted the same thing in another thread.......:rolleyes:

  18. I went to my 10 year high school reunion in 1998 - it was fun, but I didn't do much more than reminisce with a bunch of people. I skilled my 20th in '08.

    I do have about 50 Facebook friends that are high school friends, but in all honesty I haven't actually seen ANY of my High School friends in over a decade. Don't miss 'em all that much either. I like to keep up with folks on Facebook, but that's about it.

    So when you get to my age, High school is so long ago, it's no longer important to practically anything in life. I cherish the friends that I made during my 20's and still see them and talk to them as much as I can.

    But once you get married and have kids, it's a whole different paradigm.

    Thinking that High School is the best there is or that you'll never have more fun - well you just haven't lived long enough yet.
  19. Fortunatly, me and my closest friends agree that we will most likely be hanging out decades from now. I've known em my whole life and we've been friends forever.

    Of course, it MAY not happen, but I sure hope it does.
  20. My dorm mate was one of my best friends since grade school. We longer speak.

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