Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by xdog, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. Saw the word god. Stopped reading.
  2. A one world government ??? which one are you speaking of ?
  3. this pastor porbably found out that once you smoke you dont need some imaginary bearded dude in the sky telling you how to live your life.

    coming from a very catholic family, i can say that weed brought me closer to people i would have never imagined hanging out with in the first place, not some "god" that mystically appeared in a virgins stomach. Hell, if i woke up and found out i was pregnant with some dudes baby unknowingly, id abort its ass ASAP
  4. Sad that this guy is spreading lies about God. Rejecting the counsel of God by getting high? I don't remember reading any of that in the Bible.

    I believe in God, but this guy just decided to pull a Westboro Baptist Church and make up his own stuff about God.
  5. [​IMG]
  6. yet another fuckface from the babyboomer generation..
    what a fucking MORON !
    i'd love to see his stupid ass explain to a dying cancer patient why its wrong...
    rot in hell asswipe !
  7. I didn't even bother reading the article because there is no logical reason why weed should be illegal, period. Congress will never make weed legal, there is too much money going in their fat pockets from keeping it illegal and the black market active. Anyone who doesn't see this is in denial.
  8. BS call. Go talk to congress about the new perfectly-legal DC dispensaries. Think there's no MONEY in MMJ? Think again. Anyone who doesn't see this hasn't "bothered reading the articles" for a long, long time. Anyone who will not at least listen, or in this case read and educate themselves on a matter before commenting, is in denial.

    How is it you say there "is no logical reason weed should be illegal, period" and then you completely contradict yourself with it won't be legal because of money. Is not money a logical reason?
  9. There is plenty of money to be made from cannabis legalization. But congress don't want that because they as individuals will make less money off of legalization. Their salaries are supplemented quite heftily by lobbyists who work for monopolies that wish to see cannabis kept illegal.
  10. Money shouldn't be a factor when it comes down to individual freedom. So to answer your dumb rhetorical question, NO, money isn't a logical reason.
  11. It's about the most logical reason mankind has. You're confusing what is logical with what you think is right. The old saying "follow the money" is very true and if it wasn't so logical, the saying probably wouldn't exist. Oh, and before I forget, it really wasn't a dumb rhetorical question that I expected you to answer, it was more just pointing out how lame it is to pull this I didn't bother reading but I'm going to post anyhow shit.

    Toke on

  12. I'm actually in Ga now I just haven't changed my location yet.
  13. this priest is prob an alcoholic
  14. He was probably drunk when he wrote the article. :D

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