why isnt there life on every planet?

Discussion in 'General' started by CrazEpharmacist, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. I mean who are we to say that all life needs food water and air to live. why can't there be life on mars the moon hell why not every planet given that its been around long enough. I mean I understand maybe that intelligent life might need certain conditions to develop but why not micro organisms? I mean planets that are on the complete opposite side of space that are radically different from anything thhat we have seen and most likely have never even seen such a thing as water. I mean its space. There an infinite amount of possible shit that go down. Who are we to say that life can't develop on other palents. This is personally why I believe that there is life out there other than our own. Intelligent? Most likly. Non intelligent. Micro organisms? Definite 100 percent yes.thoughts?
  2. if you think about it, an atom is rather 'smart'
    but 'life' has a definition that humans created. intelligence does not meet all the criteria
  3. who's to say there isn't life in some form on all planets? who's to say there aren't microorganisms that live in/on stars?

    our own earth shows us life will exist in the most unlikely places.
  4. I read something that stated if you were to look at the nucleus of an atom and were to compare the size of it to a basketball, the closest proton would be about twenty miles away. I would be willing to say that the energy within the space of an atom is highly powerful, and that energy on its' own is something that is beyond me
  5. This question is definitely best suited for a Biologist, of which I think we have none.
  6. there may have been at one time, and there may be now. organic life emerging from non organic material that just happens to be in the right place is rare. it probably happens from time to time, but dies immediately and has no reproductive system. an organism that is capable of survival emerging from inanimate matter is even more rare. it would be even more unlikely for this organism to dominate the entire planet, as it would have to for us to have noticed it.
  7. Maybe there is and they're all just invisible.
  8. i am pretty certain there is other life on some planets out there. who are we to say there isn't? for now we don't know, but one day we will.
  9. I think that aliens invade earth all the time, but they're just invisible and they can walk through shit like ghosts so we never even know they are here.
  10. I read this theory about all advanced civilizations not being able to contact ones on other planets as they destroyed themselves before being able to do so; which we are currently doing
    I found it interesting

    it made sense to me, because there always seems to be some kind of competition, even in the most mutualistic forms of life. as things progress, it seems that competition gets bigger and bigger...

  11. Competition is the mother of progress.
  12. why cant blue birds see the color blue?
  13. Ye i do

  14. it does not meet all the criteria for being considered 'living'

    but I do like you did there

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