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Why is weed called a "gateway drug"

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by grasscityuser217, May 31, 2017.

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  1. #1 grasscityuser217, May 31, 2017
    Last edited: May 31, 2017
    I was eating dinner and my family started to have a conversation about weed and how it's bad. why is weed always put into the situation of Being a gateway drug and how would that process even work? I don't think I'd be tempted into doing crack if some dude came up to me and asked me to do crack.... I don't get why people say that. I mean isn't anything really a gateway drug? People don't say drinking is a gate away drug when u can just go do molly and be hella fucked up. All the people I know who have done harder drugs I don't talk to anymore and just completely avoid because they are usually on something and it gets fucked. What's the chances of that happening to me too? I smoke weed with a small group or alone occasionally, and I don't think they are going to whip out a bag of cocaine and say snort this

    Edit: and if weed is a gateway drug couldn't it also be a reverse gateway? As get people of these addicted drugs, as it's popular for nicotine addicts to start smoking weed and stop using nicotine, along with other hard drugs
  2. Ignorant to the subject.
  3. Actually it is called a gateway drug because of government surveys that were done in the past state people are more likely to use cocaine, heroin,meth,etc because they asked true drug addicts if they smoked cannabis. Law abiding citizens that had regular jobs with productive lives were not going to tell the government they smoked in fear of incarceration. However today the leading cause of heroin addiction is prescription pain pills that are handed out like candy by doctors. Due to the cost of pain pills people turn to heroin because its cheap. That's why America has a heroin epidemic running across the country. I think pharmacutical companies should be held somewhat responsible for all the deaths from opioids. Facts have shown in Colorado opioid addiction is down due to cannabis pain relief cannabinoids. People today are still ignorant to the medical properties of cannabis. It will take years to prove the worth of a simple plant that god put on earth for a reason that I believe doesn't mean jail time and fines.

    Sweet Cheese and Durban Poison Grow
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  4. Why do folks insist on using the names of "Other Drugs"?

    Failure to keep the forum guidelines in mind?

    Stoned and forgot?

    Don't care? (Let's hope not).
    • Winner Winner x 1
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