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Why is this schwag making me higher than dank?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rickster74, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. So I normally wouldn't buy this stuff because I have a pretty high tolerance and I don't want to smoke ten joints to get high, but it was all that was available. It is brick weed. Highly compressed and brown. Yuk right? But it is making me super high. Much higher than the dank I was smoking last week.

    Is it just because it is probably a different strain? Is dank really worth the extra money? This stuff doesn't taste bad and gets me way higher,

    What are your thoughts?

    (hope this makes sense, I'm baked!!)
  2. hahahahah you prolly have a way lower tolerance than yout hought.

    I would think that you just dont smoke that often tbh.

  3. Actually, I'm a daily smoker. i use it for my insomnia and for relaxation every evening.

    It could be possible that the stuff that is called dank around here isn't so dank. Either way, I paid $60 for a half an ounce, so I couldnt really complain. the fact it gets me baked is a bonus.
  4. haha, ive had this before. my guess is its brick nugget, its like tan/brown looks like schwag, but its actualy has some quality to it and well worth it considering its cheaper than dank. This often catches people offgaurd including myself. a few rips of this and you might find yourself just hella tore up! awsome right..
  5. probably because it wasnt flushed properly and sprayed with dangerous pesticides and other chemicals. YOu think you're getting higher cuz of the nasty shit they spray on it, but you're not.
  6. mids gets me higher than dank

  7. Ha! I don't get paranoid on weed!:hello::hello:

  8. So you buy weed to not get baked?
  9. hahah

  10. LOL, sorry (I told you I was high!) Yeah, I meant more baked than the dank.
  11. Its theoretically impossible to get higher from schwag than dank unless what you call dank isnt.

    Dirt, brown shit < Crystally, pretty shit.

    It may however, be a difference of the highs. Perhaps the schwag was grown with genetics that personally you enjoy more and you feel gives you a better high.

    But there is no way that schwag smoked will give you a better, stronger high than say... AK47 smoked.
  12. No way schwag gets you higher than dank. Maybe you feel higher because schwag has sativa genetics and your dank has indica genetics (head vs stone high, what do you consider to make you feel higher?
  13. Well this is what I was smoking before this stuff and I was calling it mids.


  14. That definetly aint mids :eek:

  15. Looks like mids to me, and thought OP said he was smoking dank before the schwag? now he sayin mids?

  16. No, no. I had some so called fire a few months ago, and although it was expensive, it didn't seem to work as well as this schwag does. My most recent buy before the schwag was the buds I pictured. I'm just surprised that this stuff looks so bad but works so well. That's all.

  17. I see.. well like some guy earlier said, you probably have a lower tolerance than you think. But hey, it it got you high then its all good.
  18. That's the toxic mexican mold gettin you high. lol jk you must be trippin cuz brick = lower thc content than good.

    Unless you normally just take a few hits of good weed but with this you smoked a lot more. then it would make sense. but i'd still get a headache
  19. Just because its compressed doesn't mean it's necessarily shitty weed. I've bought nugs that were flat as pancakes but smoked just as well as some of the stuff I've seen people passing off as "fire."

  20. damn your bud must be incredible if you callin that mids :smoke:

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