Why is public opinion on smoking tobacco so low? How come tobacco products are taxed so heavily? It seems like in America everyone has the right to do what they enjoy? Tobacco are great for relaxing, especially when you don't have bud, but it seems like I have to pay out the ass to buy cigarettes. I don't smoke a lot, and I mean I really don't smoke a lot, but it seems like I pay to much for the little I smoke.
Tobacco is taxed so high cause the gov are full of assholes. There reason tho is because it causes bad health effects when it is only used as a minor stress reliever. I agree, but still i like to smoke a cig every now and then. And yes its bullshit, but better to be able to smoke without worrying about a drug test round the bend. bascily i'd rather pay more for it than having it legal. I'm sure if they legalized weed tax would be mad high as well, which i'd be ok with.
'Yup, one dollar tax on tobacco here in good ol' Tennessee. Why's it looked down upon? Well, it DOES kill a lot of people, that's a fact. But I try to smoke no more than a few a day, though.
haha yeah.. i pay $8-$10 a pack for cigs and even then it was still cheaper than weed when i could smoke regularly (fucking drug tests ) op: it's probably because "OH MY GOD YOU'RE GOING TO DIE" and all the negative shit. :/
Because it has been PROVEN to cause cancer and kill people, and gives cancer to people who don't even smoke, that's the part that pisses me off. IF it were just the smoker who was doing harm to himself, that's one thing, but secondhand smoke kills just as many, and you can't control it...
It's taxed like nuts because it's widely consumed and the government sees a fat pay check. If weed or any other drug because legalized you could expect to see the exact same thing happen to it.
Correlation does not mean causation. While it is almost certain it causes cancer to user given chronic usage, it is not without a doubt proven that second hand does so also. Furthermore, with rapid medical advancement, how far off is the cure for cancer? Soon that may well be an obsolete question.