why is my self esteem in the toilet

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by beebs111, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. So let me start this thread by saying i just took half a bar.

    Anyway. there is this girl that i started to really like, and i have gone on two dates with her, but havent really had the opprutunity to make a move as much as i would have liked to. at first she seemed really into me, we would talk after class and such, chat over facebook and idk i guess i got the feeling she liked me back.

    i have issues with girls because 1. i dont have the highest self esteem, and 2. i like them way to easily (if that makes sense.) i think #2 is because of #1, and its really fucking with my head right now.

    So this shit is starting to kick in and im having trouble piecing my thoughts so im not going to give you blades the whole background, but whats bugging me right now is that i text her when im at work today, and ask if she wants to come hangout with me when i get off work, and she says shes gonna be going with her dad out to some store and might not be back then, so i say okay just give me some notice. and nothing, i get off work and nothing from this girl.

    on top of this i had a fucking shitty day at work riding around with some crazy motherfucker in a delivery van with his fucking ass taking all the tips(cause hes the driver and he talks to the customers) and to top it off i made the mistake of watching that guy blow his brains out in the suicide thread and that just put me in a shitty depressed mood.

    so now im feeling all depressed picking apart my flaws as a person and why im worthless even though i know im not. when im feeling confident i know im halarious(ive been told many times) and im also smarter than most people, but right now i just feel like nobody likes me and that ive been rejected by this girl that i really like.

    i know im letting myself get the better of me, but fuck.

    right now here is my plan - dont call or text this girl, and wait for her to come to me, possibly just move on to someone else whom i couldnt possibly respect enough to make me feel like this. fuck im doing a job on myself i gotta get some therapy or some shit.

    thanks for listening baldes and thanks in advance for the kind responses.:(
  2. Hey man, don't get down. Just cause she didn't text you back one time doesn't mean that she doesn't wanna get in contact with you. She coulda forgot, or maybe she didn't get your message of giving her notice or didn't really pay it any mind. I mean, it might have been embarrassing for her to randomly message you saying 'hey just letting you know I'm back from the store with my dad.' Especially if she really does like you.

    Don't give up on it, you gotta call her/text her tomorrow and be like 'hey I was wondering if you wanted to do something since we never really got a chance yesterday' or whatever comes to mind. I'm sure its not as bad as you're making it out to be man. Just think positive thoughts..itll come together.
  3. Don't let that get you down man. Girls don't just fuck with your head like that. Either they show interest in you or they don't. Just as the guy said above me, just think positive thoughts and don't dwell on your flaws.
  4. Bold would normally be a good idea

    And NORMALY I would condone it. But here I have to say your just in a rut and she probably just forgot bro. Give her a call in a day or two and say youve been busy and would like to chill. Then change it up with where you take her on your date. If she doesnt answer proceed with the Bold.

    i go through the same shit every now and then with the confidence thing but for me I know its mostly the stress Im under with my work. As for you Im sure you got your shit together man dont worry :)

    Also just remember that no matter how close you get to a woman nothing is final till your married and even then shit can go south. So always (until your in a solid relationship) stay a little detatched. I know its hard sometimes but the world is a bitch and it will rip you up if you dont stay frosty. Especially when it comes to love and relationships

    Good Luck :wave:
  5. see the the logic part of my brain agrees with you. but you see i have a family history of anxiety and depression so its getting the better of me. also this kind of stuff has happened before, and when im not thinking about her for a while i can play it cool, but i went out to lunch with her a little while ago and now.......idk i feel like i need to be more of a cocky dbag and not show women as much respect as im used to doing.

    also my mood just improved tenfold. my buddy just told me he can get me some bahhhhs and klonnies so i can stop hoarding the one bar i have left. gonna go kill my stash homies.

    but yeah i guess if you guys think i should give her a call i will. im at your mercy as far as advice i feel like im lost in the dark right now:rolleyes:

    you guys are the best:D:eek:
  6. Hold on... what suicide thread?
  7. hey man, don't worry about it. But one thing you definitely SHOULDNT do, with ANY girl (even a stuck up bitch) is be a douchebag and not show them any respect. Believe me, if shes worth anything she will forget all about your ass if you do not give her the respect that you both know she deserves. And if shes one of the bitchy types who likes to be treated like shit, shes not worth your time anyway man. Those are the chicks you hear about that go from relationship to relationship claiming they can't find love and that all guy sare assholes. Don't be one of those guys. Treat her well and appear confident when you guys hang out, and things will fall into place if its meant to be, believe me.:wave:

    I wondered that same thing haha
  8. #8 beebs111, Aug 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2009
    the thread about if you were forced to commit suicide, how would you do it?
    someone posted a video of some senator named bud blowing his brains out at a press confrence. ive never minded a little gore but it was really really graphic disturbing shit, just knowing that it was real and not scripted or special effects. fucking messed up.

    ps. i wasnt talking about being a complete douche bag and showing girls no respect. i honestly dont think i am capable of that i am too nice if anything (to people i dont extremely dislike) anyone who i would be trying to fuck would get respect. the cunts that i hate im going to continue to be a dick to becuase there is no way im ever being nice to those girls. ever. im just saying maybe act a little more cocky in the future to increase my percived confidence.

    here is that thread too btw http://forum.grasscity.com/pandoras-box/437347-if-you-had-commit-suicide-how-would-you-go-out.html
  9. Well confidence isn't exactly portayed through cockiness, yaknow? It is in some people (like douchebags) but the best way to come off as confident is to talk clearly and have strong belief in your convictions on life or whatever matters you may be talking about. For example if you guys are talking about something like your plans for the future, be confident in what you tell her, no matter what it is. Make yourself sound like you know what you want and that you are mature and responsible for yourself. Those are the best ways to come off as confident. Confidence is the ability to rely on yourself to be an inspiration to others, so look at yourself as a role model or as someone who has a lot of respect or dignity, be prideful, but respectfully so. Even if you don't see yourself as those things, talking and acting like a leader is the best way to show another person (especially a girl, since guys usually take on the 'leader' role of the relationship) that you are confident in who you are.
  10. yeah i think i gotcha. i need to basically be confident in myself, which is tough sometimes because i feel like ive got insecurties eating at the corner of my mind all the time. i decided tonight though that im gonna go try and see a psychiatrist and maybe that will help if i actually do have some underlying issues.
  11. yeah man, I can definitely relate to you on insecurities. I have (had/still sorta have) extremely bad confidence in myself and I used to get upset all the time with my looks and stuff (I dont think Im really ugly but I used to have real bad acne which has mostly cleared now and it really left its mark on me as far as confidence goes). It's hard man but the more you accept and love your insecurties the faster they will be gone, as hard as it is to believe. And the thing that got me through my hard times was just thinking to myself thoughts like 'hey, even though you look like this or whtever, people who look at you and recognize you see you as the person with these traits (they can be bad or good traits in yourmind) and they accept you for that, otherwise they wouldn't talk to you.' So if this girl is seemingly interested, try to forget about your insecurities when you hang out, save it for when you're alone at least, that way you can put all your energy towards projecting confidence in yourself (even though its hard as hell I know, but trust me you will be so much more attractive to her if you come off as confident than as insecure, even if you think it makes you look silly or whatever you may think that prevents you from projecting your confidence) and she will love that trait about you. Good luck man.
  12. youve been a big help(either that or the bars) but i feel alot better now. thanks.
  13. Be the best at everything you do, and if you're not - pretend you are.
  14. well a little update for you blades on me. i went about my life today and had a blast keeping this girl off my mind, went golfing while drinking a 30 rack and had a blast.

    last night i went and broke my 3+ month T break while i was all barred out, and this girl txts me asking for a good place to smoke, and i told her about my T break, and i get "ahh we should smoke together!"

    so basically i let my shitty day get the better of me and had a bad day. haha im a pussy sometimes.
  15. congrats man..just keep it cool with her and dont jump the gun..dont ever really just sit back and let a girl come to you..sometimes it will work and sometimes it will shoot you in the foot..more than likely it will shoot you in the foot and i can talk from experience..since she texted you back she has your best interest at heart or she wouldnt waste her time..since you guys are smokin together that makes it even better because weed bonds people no fuckin lie...let it ride from here...throw in some hints every now and then that you want to spend some more time with her then just work your magic
  16. yeah i gotcha man i was feeling kinda rejected that night too because i told my friend about this party that was happening and he ended up getting invited and i couldnt go. im all good now:p were gonna smoke a jay and go see something at the imax:smoking:

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