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Why is MM more expensive than streed bud?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by jackson999, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. I just got my MM card and luckily found a place where I can get any eighth for 45 each after taxes on sundays of their whole collection of weed but their normal prices are ridiculous. The two eighths I ended up getting were Blue Dream for the day (80%Sativa20%Indica) and Purple Candy for night (100%Indica). Anyway, they both normally go for $60 on normal days and are dank as fuck and they sell for $440 O's all before the 9& tax. Normally on the streets I can't nearly as large a variety or as dependable a service but I can get bud for much cheaper. I usually just buy $280 O's of the dankest shit I can find. Anyway, I'm sure the clubs are buying in much bigger bulk than street dealers and they say they are nonprofit and the places they rent out are small and in shitty places in town, most of the people say that work there say they are volunteers but one. Are they really buying weed for the expensive from growers or is there someone in the middle besides the government making a shitload of money? I hope this makes sense cause i just smoked three bowls of that purple candy and I'm high as a a kite.

    Smoke on
  2. they keep the prices at or above street value so patients dont resell, i believe
  3. Makes sense but kind of a bitch.
  4. Especially if you have good hooks on the street that sell good dank for less than "street value"
  5. but i guess i can always go back to street weed... I'll take my variety of strains and dependability for awhile and see how it goes actually damn i'm blazzed
  6. So is there a minimum set by the CA government or something because I would assume that clubs would want to compete so they would sell it below street price so everyone would want to come to their club instead of the others and they could still make tons of money, I would think more since of all the business.
  7. Dispensaries don't need to complete, because they can be truthful.

    1) They don't want people buying all of their stock and re-selling it on the street, so they keep their prices just a little higher than street value, BUT..

    2) With a dispensary, if they say they are selling you Purple Thai, it is Purple Thai. Dispensaries also send out their product to labs, so if the stuff is labelled 22% THC, then in all likelihood, it is 22% THC.

    That's something you can't really get on the streets, as street dealers are constantly making up names and swearing up, down and sideways that they REALLY have Black Widow, and it's really, really dank...when what they ACTUALLY have is just some dirt crap.

    With Dispensaries, although there are a couple bad apples in the barrel, chances are, you are really getting what you are paying for.

    Bak Alchisk
  8. Makes sense, it is true that they would definitely get their shit sold out way too quick if it was cheaper than on the streets.
  9. You also forget that Dispensaries have overhead, like rent, insurance, employees, etc. That stuff isn't free.
  10. I understand that buying from a dispensary would cost more due to expenses. If mmj were legal in Wisconsin, I would suck it up and pay the extra for good medicine. I am at the mercy of very few people now and really do not trust expanding my hook-ups. the prices charged vary and the quality at best is questionable--it makes me sick!
    If you ask too many questions about strains and such then dealers get suspicious. I hate that! I want to know what I am getting and would love to find a dealer that knows about the different strains. We are not in the 70's anymore!
  11. I agree 100%. Running a dispensary isn't cheap.
  12. it all deepens on what dispensary you go to.i know tons of places in LA that sells some bomb bay for like 35 - 40 -45 and 1/8. and there are alot of places that have Oz specials.Just shop around.
  13. I truly believe that you get what you pay for, and I've been going to LA area dispensaries for five years now. Sure there are clubs that cap at $45, but when you see a selection of more than a dozen strains all at $45 guess what, there's really only two or three strains.

    My "home" club (California Patients Alliance on Melrose, tell 'em WildWill sent you!) doesn't have a cap on prices. Usually they have strains that range from $50 to $75, but their low end strains are usually the top shelf in other clubs, and their top shelf is like beyond top shelf.

    MMJ isn't about the price either. My club supports the movement like very few others do. The owners are at every single city council meeting, were founding members of GLACA, support ASA and NORML, and are an extremely reputable shop that doesn't put up with "legalized stoners" so-to-speak. When I pay slightly higher prices there I know that my dollars are supporting the movement. These guys aren't driving expensive sports cars nor are they living in McMansions. Well, one has a nice house, but that's also because he has a more profitable second business selling doggie clothes!
  14. WildWill said it best! Clubs like this should be modeled. Sounds like the owners are running their MMJ business the way it should be. My hope is that Wisconsin legalizes MMJ--I have a feeling they won't though--too many tight a$$es running the show. BUT, if they do, I would love to be a part of owing a dispensary/club.
  15. I am very satisfied with the prices my dispensary have.
  16. Yeah I agree with you
  17. Those prices are fair. For legit strains 60 for an eigth is street price. I have seen eighths go for a bit more for good quality bud.
  18. Actually it's the same price depending on what you buy. There are hot spot clinics and various dispensaries that offer a variety of different buds. On the street you cannot buy a 35 dollar 8th or 40, 45 ,50, you don't have the luxury of choice. At the clinic you are a free man, kid in a candy store and if the dudes know you they always hook it up with 4.2 8ths every time i pick up the good stuff.
  19. The dispensaries charge so much because patients are willing to pay that much!! They're the only legal places to buy, so they really have a monopoly on the entire business, and it is a business for them. They buy supplies from the vendors for less than half what they charge,and there is no dispensary in the world that has that high an overhead. It isn't uncommon for a dispensary here in CA to take in several MILLION dollars a year. All the big ones take in that much, and if you don't believe it, just volunteer at one and watch how much $$ comes in every day.
    As patients, we have no choice but to pay their prices until it's legalized. When that happens, hopefully within a few years, we'll be able to get our"meds" at about $10. an ounce or so. The same strains, same quality we get now, just without the price that is the same as that paid for illegal weed.
    I grow my own, so I know how much it costs to grow it, and what the dispensaries pay and charge. Really.
  20. go read the definition of monopoly again

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