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Why is miracle gro so bad?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by toke_tons, May 28, 2009.

  1. Ive used straight undiluted miracle gro to germ over 20 seeds... Why do people mislead others by saying it is so bad??? I use the miracle gro potting soil with the nutrients already in it and i can honestly say the seeds i put in there vs. peat pellets are alot more vigorous and green.
  2. It will work fine at first but its when you start to feed it your own nutes that it starts messing with you because it has time-released ferts. I would just say use like half as much nutes in your watering maybe at first for like 2-3 weeks to be safe. then feed it the full dose. but you should feed it any nutes for about 3 weeks anyways.
  3. It's because of the time-released ferts. The problems with the time-released ferts are:

    - It can burn the roots and over-feed young sprouts because it gives them ferts when they should not be getting any ferts at all.

    - You cannot control the type of fert or dosage, you get whatever comes mixed in already and released based on a schedule you didn't set.

    - You definitely aren't getting separate veg ferts for veg stage and flower ferts for flower stage

    - HID lighting in particular can cause the pellets to dissolve faster than they were designed, so that you get too much fert even by Miracle-Gro's calendar

    - Those pellets can take a long time to dissolve, so if you are having problems you can't flush to clean your soil

    There definitely are some MJ growers who use Miracle Gro with no problems. But there are many more who do have the above problems, so why use a product with so many potential disadvantages that are hard to fix?
  4. you use a 1 tsp of MG to the gallon of water to germ your seeds in ? really ?

    A; thats alot of water
    B; your plants will not need nutes for the first week or two, to give any almost always leads to nute burn

    personal experience is not misleading

    Look, all most are saying is if it has time release nutes,or water saving synthetics there is a good chance it is going to mess up your grow. Miracle Grow/Scotts brand just being the biggest supplier of these types of soils, and ferts

    but the "A NUMBER ONE WINNER" of why not to use MG soils or ferts....salts build up.., which can cause pH problems resulting in lockouts.

    Not to mention that Scotts Brand Fertilizers are the biggest producers of petrol based ferts, which above and beyond the obvoius " we are running out of fossil fuels" argument, there is the ecological side effects of production.

    hope thats answers ya man.
  5. did not know that.

    Now thats just freakin scary !
  6. I have used MG soil and nutes before. I think it has alot to do with just common knowledge and learning what works. It is not good for beginners b/c of the time released nutes and more often than not, new growers make 2 major mistakes: over watering, and over feeding, so w/ the MG soil they would definately burn up the plants.

    After gaining some experience and doing some reading and research, it is ok to use, but I only suggest it as a last resort when money is tight or it is the only stuff available.

  7. Would it really matter if u have like 50/50 MG organic potting an good native soil with compost.Can organic nuets/teas burn your plant?
  8. to much of anything isnt good.
    if you use outdoor (native) dirt do you have means to mesure the levels, do a soil test on it? its best just to spend your money on something that you know and understand what it is. on the back of most soil is NPK. i have .1-.05-.07 thats not much nutrience at all. so when i add my own i wont have a conflict with the soil having to much of anything.

    if your using mirical grow its risky to use any other type of fert. why risk it?
  9. ive used miracle grow, and its ok.

    if i had more money id go foxfarm with foxfarm nutes

    plus with miracle grow u cant control the build up of nutes and such where as foxfarm youknow exactly what your putting in.

    either or is fine though
  10. [quote name='Wharfrat74']you use a 1 tsp of MG to the gallon of water to germ your seeds in ? really ?

    A; thats alot of water
    B; your plants will not need nutes for the first week or two, to give any almost always leads to nute burn

    I wasnt talking about fertilizer i was talking about not diluting the soil with perlite or other soils
  11. donk !!
    shoulda had a
  12. what about miracle gro shake n feed fertilizer i gto some for free gott ask
  13. Wow, I germ mine in paper towels w/plain old tap water - works great...

    I've read the rest of the replies to your questions, but wanted to add a little something... back in the day, when I used to plant vegetable gardens outside, I quickly discovered something about miracle grow vs. organic ferts... the veggies TASTED better when grown organically. Which to me, translates that the weed is going to taste better, and not have any chemical-ly tasting residue... smoother, less bite, less harshness.
  14. [quote name='Satyva']Wow, I germ mine in paper towels w/plain old tap water - works great...

    I've read the rest of the replies to your questions, but wanted to add a little something... back in the day, when I used to plant vegetable gardens outside, I quickly discovered something about miracle grow vs. organic ferts... the veggies TASTED better when grown organically. Which to me, translates that the weed is going to taste better, and not have any chemical-ly tasting residue... smoother, less bite, less harshness.[/QUOTE]

    All myth, all in your head. I have grown organically indoors and out, have done the final flush thing, etc...etc.... makes no difference. Taste and harshness are form improper drying and curing.

    Mg soils is ok, but I choose not to use the ferts, they tend to give you salinity problems in soil.

  15. Thank you, less - I have not grown veggies organically or otherwise indoors before, so really have no comparison. Perhaps I am spending far too much on Botanicare line (doing hydro)... what nutes/ferts have worked for you, then?
  16. The reason MG got a bad rep is because it is formulated for growing outside. If a plant is getting 8+ hours of sun MG will work great. But when you transfer that indoors with CFL or a small HID. The plant is not feeding at the same speed. So like most bad fertilizers its because the growers didn't asses the product properly. If you take the time and do a little math you won't have any problem with any fertilizer. As far as time release goes, you just need to know how it works. MG releases when watered, If you cut way down on watering you will also cut down on fertilizers. Other time released fertilizers work differently and MUST be accounted for.
    Keep'em burnin
  17. I'm using Cutting Edge Solutions right now, my plants love it more than the Fox Farms I started my run with because I don't have to touch the pH and they get what they need. I am planning on trying canna alongside for my next run, since I have enough clones of the same strain that I can do a pretty good test. I have the base nutrients for House and Garden (Aarde/Soil - they have a hydro line too), PureBlend Pro, and Fox Farms, so if I'm feeling frisky I might give it the Pepsi challenge, but I'm not sure if I want to try to keep track of all of that yet. I think I'm probably just going with Canna's Bio line (I'm using bio-terra for the medium) and probably cutting edge's additives for the next run (I like the plant amp because it controls my pH).

  18. Honestly, I have used most of the lines available, there are some new additives and supplements out now, but mostly everything.

    Botanicare is good stuff, as is most of the stuff available. I just have never seen any difference in taste, potency, yields, etc... They all work well if used right. The few differences are some are organic, some are not. Concentrations are different, some you go through pretty quick, others seem to last longer.

    I'm not a big fan of advertising techniques used by most nute companies b/c they are selling you a very expensive dream. There is alot of stuff out there, and after many years of trying this and that I realized it makes no difference. Does'nt matter if you are growing veggies, fruit, herbs & spices, or cannabis, I have grown all of these at one time or another.

    Stuff I have used: Flora Nova, Fox Farm, Botanicare(all lines organic and non-organic), Ionic, General Hydroponics, Natures Nectar, MG, Peters, Dutch Masters, AN, and various organic teas and homemade compounds.

    Have never seen a noticeable difference, never tasted one either.

  19. Well then, when I take my trip to the dro store this weekend, I will get the least expensive bloom formula, which is what I need a ton of right now... they had the Flora Nova line on sale last month, and was going to get it but my dro guy recommended Botanicare package (Pure Blend pro grow, liquid karma, and PB pro bloom.) These have worked very well, but I'm entirely open to saving money! :D

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