i live in new jersey so prop 19 wouldnt have effected me at all and i know that this has probably been addressed because prop 19 failed like 3 months ago anyway i was reading articles and : they said that citizens of california over the age of 21 would be allowed to possess up to an ounce legally and grow 25 square feet. and i read somewhere else that cigarettes are legal even though they kill you because they dont give you a high that alters your mind state but marijuana does but then why is alcohol legal? that doesnt make sense because alcohol alters your mind state and makes you out of control, belligerent, and sometimes just an annoying disruptive asshole. when do you hear of somebody being arrested for public disturbance because they were high? never. when do you hear of somebody being arrested for public disturbance because they were drunk? all the time. im not really against alcohol because it is fun sometimes but in no way would i be able to wake up and get drunk the same way i wake up and get high because you cant control what your doing. im not sure if i would even be happy if weed was legal because it would just put unnecessary amounts of money in government officials pockets, and the prices would probably be ridiculous. so what im wondering is why is marijuana so looked down on, if alcohol completely changes your mindset and makes you not able to control what you are doing. also why would people only be able to possess an ounce of bud? i know thats alot but your allowed to possess 10 kegs if you wanted or 1,000 cartons of cigarettes. but if prop 19 did get legalized it would be a start and probably would only improve from there. Edit: before anyone tells me im completely aware alcohol was banned at one time
Have you seen these movies? The Union [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sknoKWsVlAA]YouTube - Grass: The History Of Marijuana[/ame] The Union is about Marijuana Today and Grass is about the History. It pretty much answers your questions.
We could go on and on here about why it is still illegal, but if you really want to know why, look at why was made illegal in the first place. When searching for answers to problems, root cause always is a good start. I can summarize the answer very quickly, and it relates to a lot of different laws and policies in effect today; greed and corruption. 'nuff said.
Greed/corruption/fear/ignorance/bunch of DEA agents and dealers-growers wanting to keep their livelihood. -Nuff said.
ya im not sure if i would be happy if it were legal because then everyone would do it and so much money would be put in the pockets of the government.
gov't is already pocking loads from big pharma, they'd lose tons of funding in the end with legalization
how would they lose money? wouldnt they be gaining money from all the taxes? i read somewhere if it was legal it would make ALOT of money a year in taxes
You know who makes more money? Big pharma and all the prisons. Where would they be if they couldn't arrest a bunch a stoners? Pharmaceutical companies make shittons of money by the day. Let's say you make a bunch of products that make a few problems disappear but also give rise to a whole new set of problems. You make billions and then suddenly people start using something that's effective and can be grown easily. If you're smart you will do anything in your power to combat the use of this super drug. This is why it's illegal to smoke something that's 97% harmless but is perfectly OK to jack yourself up on drugs that can kill you. Soon you'll see on labels of pill bottles: Side effect - DEATH But remember, if it's legal, it's OK.