Why is mankind destroying itself?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Padmasona, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. I think a lot of it has to do with things similar to the bystander effect, Oh Ill just let someone else help....like a rich person thinking "Why should I give all this money to charity, what difference will it really make" ......... most people dont see the point of doing the good for humanity cause most people dont feel it will make a difference and then just basically try to maximize their own well being

  2. i do not.see that as a problem. Nor do the birds outside

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  3. Maybe we see our own flaws in other people
  4. the world would be a lot better without us, i think we should all agree to not have children and let ourselves become extinct. of course that would never happen but I'm doing my part
  5. First of all, I never said anything about money being unnecessary. I don't have whatever strange idea you think I have. The idea that I do have is that the more power hungry and greedy you are, the much higher likelyhood you will come into a position of power. My idea is very simple, perhaps I made it too complicated.

    Our system is an oligarchy, the people at the top attempt to create a culture of service to self behaviour. Coupled with a competitive nature expounded through our societal institutions of school and work.

    What I'm saying is that we are born into a culture and grow up into a society that can never work. It is the propagation of selfish desires, yet people make do with the best they can get instead of attempting to create and entire system revamp.

    Most people in society don't want to be greedy, selfish and competitive. Our society forces them to be like that.
  6. That's a very simple way of saying it, but the solution isn't that simply achieved.
  7. You inquire, why is mankind destroying itself? I respond, because of a lack of knowledge of self.
  8. How was the earth better off without humans? Thats absurd. You are crazy!

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  9. Sorry if i misunderstood you then.

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  10. i think the world is continuing to get better at a quicker rate personally. since 1990 over 50% of all people living in extreme poverty gained access to food, water, electricity, and healthcare. more than one billion people.

    thats major, major progress. furthermore....there is no reason there would be food shortages in 50 years lol, idk where you heard that. if anything in 50 years we will be feeding even more of the world every day.

    some people get too into their news programs. gets em all jumpy about the state of things.in reality when things are broken down the world has clearly improved by a remarkable degree and is on the path to continue getting better
  11. I don't think it's fair to call me crazy based on one thing I posted on grasscity. If you look at all the delicate ecosystems in the world it's easy to see that no species affects them as much as humans. Ecosystems develop over long periods of time, and are very fragile, then we come along and advance so quickly that they can't keep up. Farming, deforestation, pollution, oil spills would never happen on such a large scale without us. I don't expect you to agree with me I understand my opinion is a bit out there and if you don't value life (other than human life) then you'll never agree with me.

    But I do think the earth and 99% of its inhabitants would be better off without us.

  12. Good question; why are humans so destructive? There are actually a few answers to that question.

    First off humanity as a whole has been persuaded to become this way by design, not by mere chance. This is the reason why the media promotes more deaths, deception, murders crime etc. It supresses facts and provides half truths to all out lies. It promotes sex everywhere and subliminal programming continuously. Take a look at Miley Cyrus, she is enticing a whole youthful audience toward drugs, bad conduct and looseness. Bad food, bad music, and drugs are promoted continuously. Covert government funded entities are promoted to dismantle any progressive group that has an effective plan. Cures for diseases are ignored and replaced by poisoning and ineffective pharmaceutical products. Countries are bankrupted by unexplained wars. Racism is promoted.

    So it is obvious that the chaos permeating within society is brought forth on purpose. Overall this "unseen hand" only represents a small MINORITY, and humanity as a whole we are the MAJORITY.

    So we must go back to the fundamentals of nature, which is the heart of each of us. Nature is also based on eternal laws which is revealed through science, past events, logic and common sense. We also need to promote the total unification of all humanity on the basis of truth, that is: accepting people and races for who and what they are, and respecting their culture, their languages and their beliefs.
  13. Do you believe in Narayana?
  14. LOL I love the words you use for god.
    People get to lost in labels... not realizing that God is understood as idea, and not nominally.
  16. First off no disrespect @ pickledpie, but the word 'Narayana' predates the word "GOD" by thousands of years. Also the word Narayana has a direct meaning to it. One such meaning is "a resting for all living things".

    Now when it comes to the word God, there is never a direct meaning of this word. There is ONLY an interpretation. Why would one use a fairly modern undefined word to describe an ancient one??

    So to answer your question @Boats, is; I do accept what the concept of what the Narayana represents. An original invisible creative force responsible for all things. This is a concept found in other cultures as well. It's just truth. When it mentions about the Narayana taking multiple forms. That is in reference to it's creative essence being infused in all of it's creation and is linked.
  17. #57 Boats And Hoes, Feb 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2014
    A great response, Latus; and, an astute observation, might I add.
  18. #58 freethinker, Feb 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2014
    It's the nature of all things since the singularity existence prior to the big bang, before singular became multiple (everything).  Every living thing destroys itself (as singular did to become multiple) to form more complex things in every facet of life.  Stars exploded into more complex stars until our Solar system could become dense enough to form a central sun.  Bacteria fed off of the sun's destroyed (self sacrificing) energy to form more complex bacteria in order for more complex life forms to arise (plants, fish, dinosaurs, mammals, humans, ect..).   
    Bacteria also became rust which was used by humans (also from complex bacteria) as weapons when humans eventually arose millions of years later to kill each other.  So we're using ourselves to kill ourselves, to form more complex selves in the future.....it makes weird and revealing sense if you can look at it in a 'step back' kind of way and know about micro-bacteria interactions. 
    If you get down to the nitty gritty, all we are is complex matter destroying itself so that more complex matter can arise in time.  And if we stagnate, then we will become like the Dinosaurs in order to make way for a more complex life forms to arise.  Just like the permium extinction and the other 4 mass extinctions that have occurred in the history of the world.  But it's definitely nothing new under the sun for living things to be destroying each other.  :)
    The key now is that our brains have developed these things we call feelings, empathy, and rationalization which must somehow be a part of the original creation of things merely because we are an advanced expression of original creation....I don't see how we could look at it any other way after studying science and knowing our history.  So yes, 'feelings' are part of creation somehow in a scientific way.  These feelings allow us to distinguish that the type of sacrifice that should be occurring according to what 'feels' right (for most of us) is one that brings us together in unity of creating something complex to better the world, not one that destroys and kills just for inanimate gains....it's anti life in every way!  We've evolved to understand that better=good and that love=a feeling of wholeness...and to deny this part of our evolution is anti-human and goes against our gut (core) feelings.
    The attraction of love one human being has to another human being is the same attraction that bacteria has/had toward the sun when it felt perfect in its rays, soaking in the sun as it harnessed its energy to form something better and more complex.  The perfection bacteria felt in the suns energy as it was harnessed, is the same perfection human beings feel when they're in love/attraction...they feel like they're being loved by another form of themselves, feeling perfect and whole again, thus creating a better person. 
    Stars, bacteria, humans...no difference really, we're all the same thing in actuality.  If all human beings could step back and understand their existence instead of being bombarded by their un-ending egos' longing for attachment due to a life long of manipulations, then the world would be a much better place.  People's ego's are too attached and manipulated since birth to the wrong things that matter not, THIS is the nature of our own failures, and this is what needs to be realized in time.  Change never comes from anything external, it's always been an internal problem.  You can't change the world, the world has to change itself from within, then external changes can take place.       
  19. #59 WackyWax21, Feb 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2014
    Rams ram eachother. Animals fight eachother. I think we are just overpopulated and taught to be violent. It would be better if man became extinct. We are doing way more bad than good from nuclear war to pollution.
  20. #60 LightAnother, Feb 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2014
    Life expectancies have never been higher and are increasing all the time, yet we are moving towards extinction? wtf?
    How are we at edge of nuclear annihilation? WWII killed as many as 85 million people. The Iraq war has killed, at most, a million people. It's not even a pimple on the ass of what we went through just over 50 years ago.
    Do you have any actual evidence for any of these sweeping claims?
    Violent crime rates are decreasing, pretty rapidly. And that's with greater exposure to each individual case.
    Oh but I forgot, we break styrofoam cups so therefore we're doomed.
    We have more power to learn and become intelligent than ever before, we live longer, healthier, cure diseases, have higher 'living standards', less wars, lower crime rates. Get out there and soak it up! There's never been a greater time in human history.

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