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Why is man born unaware of his soul

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by HighGrowMan, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. There has been debates raging about whether or not man has a soul. So from this it is easy to infer that some people believe that we have a soul, and some people do not. (You know who you are and what your belief system is so no need to bring it up in this thread).

    My question is, why are men born without the knowledge of their soul

    Now because I don't want to disclude people that don't belive in the soul; and also because if you don't believe in the soul, you also don't understand what the word means, it would be ok to think of the soul as instincts; so then the question would be:

    Why are men born without Instincts

    Because then I am no longer inferring that there is something in your instincts that can give you knowledge, nor am I inferring that we have any instincts in the first place....

    So to argue this question both ways I would say:

    It would be odd not to have instincts, i mean every other animal on this planet seems to have them. I would think we should have them, so I would have to say that that's not the way things turned out, we don't have em, they do; cry about it... it will help to solve that problem.

    Now, if the question is why don't men have knowledge of their soul... then the answers begin to get deeper, because a more insightful question has been asked.

    I know from first hand, that it is rarely the answer that determines perception, but it is the question that determines perception; and it is perception that forms reality.

    So now if the question is why don't men have knowledge of their soul, then the answers are much more open to your understanding of our instincts.

    I think one of the reasons that most people have never gained knowledge of their soul is that they never asked the right questions, they never chose to perceive the world in that way. The question then becomes did they chose not to perceive it that way or did they even have the capability.

    I mean, at work I rarely try to blame people for the things that they didn't have the capability to change; if I see that somebody is doing something detrimental, and it is not within his capability to change it, then I want to know what is in my capability, in order to increase his capabilities.

    I think this is one of the foundations to discovering who you really are; search for ways to help others. Sometimes you'll find that the more you do this, the greater your capabilities become, and because you have poured yourself into other people, their capabilities rise as well.
  2. Because the soul is a fictional idea that man must learn.

  3. So your telling me everything we learn thru research and scientific data is fictional,fuck outta here.In the 1600's if you told someone that you could talk to someone on the other side of the earth intantly they would either say your full of shit or call you a witch.But look at us now we have computers and shit.

    Just cause we can't see it does'nt mean it's there.

    I can't wait for they day they say scientist have finally discover etheric energy,that will be the day we drop technlogical evolution for spirtual evolution....Imagine the possiblities,since the soul is infinite the possibilities are well infinite.....;)
  4. i stopped reading when you said soul is like instinct..
  5. I don't really understand where the op is going with there post but I will throw my 2 cents in. People are born with instincts. Newborns cry for their mother/milk/comfort and all sorts of things that are good for them. Isn't that an instinct? They were not taught to cry for their mom, they are born with that programmed into them.

    I don't see a problem with people being born without knowledge of their soul. Im going to make an argument based on the assumption that the soul is real, whether thats true or not I have no idea. People are born without knowledge of themselves, let alone their soul. Psychological research has shown that it can take up to a year for a child to become self aware. If it takes a year for a child to realize that it is a physical and independent entity, which is a basic and concrete concept, then it can be assumed that it would take even longer for a person to grasp a lofty and abstract concept such as the soul.
  6. i ddnt reply when i first read this because, as Shasta noted, im not real sure where the OP is goin, starts out with spiritual soul then starts a mini-lecture on instinct....dont know what he wants a reply to...

    Assuming the soul is real, if he were born knowing we had a soul, evrything would be alot different, being born knowing you have a soul is no different than god showing himself at your birth
    the only way you have a soul is if there is a god, so knowing of your soul is knowing the existence of god
    and i guess since god doesnt readily make himself available, he wouldnt want the soul to either

    and about instincs, we do have things like the reflex, i cant recall what its called exactly, where a baby will flare its toes when you touch the bottom of its foot.
    likewise, babies will squezze anything you put in its hand.
    also, the idea of 'fairness' may not be human, implying that it may be instinctual.
    There are cases which chimps (or some ape) are given some amount of food, and if 1 out of the group eats more than his share, they will punish that member.
  7. Define "soul"
  8. Someone show me a soul and I will believe.

    Until then as it is understood we're just conscious beings looking at things as they are. There's never any aspect of "self" or "soul" because everything we sense is a perception because we're conscious. Take the being alive part away and we're no longer.

    Although I had an interesting thought a bit ago about a soul carrying on to the afterlife.

    All time is consciousness. That is to say we perceive time because we are alive and things change, we use time as a tool to mark down constant change and try to make it tangible. When we die, there is no consciousness. There is no life, so there is no time. There is nothing to mark time, and it is supposed the afterlife is eternal. Whether or not there is a soul that continues on I do not know.
  9. So many dimensions of humanity exist, that we are only just now waking up to who we are, and what we want to be. Our perceptions are not always as trustable as we would like, even science is fallable, and no matter how hard we try, we spend most of our time so distracted by everyday foibles, that we lose the sound of our own chi, which is the ancient chinese word for soul, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm no eastern religious expert, but isn't chi much the same as soul, both words for energy fields that all things possess? The christian concept of soul, as a predetermined experiment in obedience, is the one I don't like, because no higher intelligence would ever sabotage their own work, IMHO.

    I have been made acutely aware of what I call soul, in me for sometime, but my definitions are not common ones. I had to go through some very bizarre steps to find my chi, my center, the energy field we all share, whether you are aware of it or not. It is real, IMHO.

    Dr. Martin Luther King had a soul that was so bright, they shot him for it. Same with John Lennon, and Ghandi. If you want to see naked, bare soul on display, there are people now with so much soul, it's hard to hide. Soul is the innate desire to bring all men together in peace and harmony, and the awareness of the need to do it. Soul wants all the people of the earth to disarm, and unite, to fulfill our destiny, which is much higher than merely topping a food chain, we are to expand our influence across space and time, eventually. If we want it, soul is going to save us, from ourselves.
  10. Have you ever noticed when babies (around 1 year old) see another baby. they always stare into each others eyes, its because they reconize their soul from their previous life
  11. I think the "soul" is real...

    Only, I would rather call it the "self". You know, the Meadean notion that the self develops through social interaction. We are not born with a self of our own, but slowly and surely we develop into the person we're going to be for the rest of our lives.

    To me, that's what the soul is. It's you. It's your very individuality and uniqueness. It's what makes you, you. It's why my twin bro and I, although genetically identical, we aren't the same person, we're unique.

    Just as no two snowflakes are alike, no two people are alike.
  12. Because that's the reason for this existence. The challenge of realising our truth, with the restrictions! Throughout the consciousness of infinity this was one of the offshoots!!! Why would it be any other way...can you solve the puzzle!?
  13. Why is man born unaware of his soul? Because babies don't know how to analyze and think critically right out of the womb.
  14. to me soul=life, i know technically plants are living but i dnt consider them that cuz they show no emotion they're just like robots

    humans, dogs, cats, birds any animal has a soul but some are just more human friendly than others and those tend to be animals we like such as dogs

    you're born without knowing what your soul is because its something you always have so you cannot name the presence of it until someone tells you what it is

    you dont need to be aware of it to have it, im not sure whether a dog or cat, or whatever really has a soul because it cant tell me with words, but when you look at them you can see what they are feeling and I always feel like their eyes just look right through me and see me for what I am and its just like a connection everyone shares in their souls

    also when i look into someones eyes you feel like you can see more into them, but that they also see right through me, its like a sense of vulnerability that everyone has and thats why animals as nature dont like eye contact alot

    this is just one of those questions though that the answer is from the soul so there cannot be a right answer
  15. Because the soul it is a concotion of the human mind. New-borns aren't capable of understanding such a concept.
  16. i know a guy who remembers his birth. stick that up your conditioning. :p

    sure though, i'll buy that usually our pathway strengthening nuero activity has not yet developed enough repeated routines to allow certain familiar brain characteristics to have formed, such as to learn some things and do all sorts of other neat things... some of it at least, and not as a general absolute for all. hence, perhaps [speculating like a mofo] why we generally dont remember our first 2 or 3 years. however, as plain and mundane as that very rational (if a little shabby) explanation is...

    let me throw out to you a concept which i can best depict with a simple graph.

    at one end is birth. at the other end is death. there are two unnamed qualities depicted. one is full at birth and diminishes until death. the other, obviously, vice versa, rises to fullness at death. they are intentionally left unnamed. I could pin a few labels on them which would seem to work, but i shant cripple this concept by limiting it with this flawed language. I'll leave it to your well developed and quite competent cerebral cortexes to fathom. anyways... you'll likely have contemplated it for a moment now and perhaps even see it's simple merit. but let me kinda paradoxically throw the thing on it's head...
    see that point in the middle? you are always there.

    Attached Files:

  17. Digit... That gives me something to think about, thanks.

    I think that my question is flawed though (on retrospect), I think I should have said why are people born without the knowledge of their spirit; because everybody has the knowledge of their soul, because it is born into them, and is precisely the reason why they act they way they do.

    On the other hand the knowledge of your spirit is something that seems to only be possible much later in life. For example, even Jesus took many years before he was able to teach, which is (in my opinion) the time that is nessisary for one to develope to the point where you may become in touch with your spirit.

    It is still very important to be in touch with your soul; as it can be like the conduit to your spirit; but in my opinion they are different. (I believe that your spirit is like your energy duplicate; and your soul is your indviduality).

    What do others think about this?
  18. Say again? Soul is instinct? Go read a dictionary. And WTF do you mean with "if you don't believe in the soul, you also don't understand what the word means". Give me a break. I should start argumenting the same way. Just imagine the outcry and complaints if I were to (and this is just an example, not an actual argument I'd ever make, since I believe the argument to be patently false) say something akin to:

    "Now believers cannot understand rationality, or for that matter act in an intelligent rational manner, since they're not all that rational. As evidenced by believing in invisible fathers in the sky!"

    I'd be on my ass faster than you can spell E-V-O-L-U-T-I-O-N after two six packs and an unknown number of bong-hits. You know, not immidiatly, but after carefull examination of the problem at hand with fellow tokers :D

    Tip for future reference. Don't want to discuss a topic, then don't start one. And then naturally, if you do start a topic, don't try to avoid the real issue beneath a false definition of the topic.

    You are asking, in light of newborns not having a soul so to speak, can then a soul really exist? As one of the rather plenty-full non-stated premises here, is that souls are supposed to be eternal. And inhabiting the body from conception none-the-less. Well, in most traditions of this concept.

    The obvious answer is that there is no such thing as a soul. Personality, yes, but that takes time to develop. Part genes, and a whole lot of experience. Stands to reason then that newborns are rather lacking in personality. But they do make up for it in cuteness :)
  19. Zylark, chill out and look at the post directly above yours:

  20. I think the problem here is your choice of phrasing HG. Your question assumes that there is a soul that we may or may not be aware of, which is supposition. You also said that if someone doesn't believe in a soul then they don't know what one is, which again assumes that it's a real thing - and is something of a leap to make too, that only the ignorant don't believe in souls. LT and myself are ex-christians who know exactly what the soul is meant to be, but we still don't believe in it.

    Man is not aware of his soul until he decides to invent it...


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