Why is it THAT!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by danktank 420, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. I can get 8 out of 12 bag seeds from multiple sources to crack in a day and a half. Yet I am on my 2nd round of 2 seeds that I purchased that don't wont? :confused:
  2. What method are you using to germinate the seeds?

    I had 5 expensive seeds from Attitude not germinate after having 100% success with the freebies. I emailed Attitude about it and they sent me replacements (worth $100 + shipping) free! 100% germinated! I love Attitude!
  3. What method are you using? and what breeders seeds are you using?
  4. TheNat, thanks for the heads up!

    steelsmkng, soak for a day, wet paper towel, dark, warm climate!

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