Why is Hitler seen as the biggest historical bad guy?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Baloobas, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. ^ I don't get it
  2. Person of the year, 1939
  3. That little thing called the Holocaust and how he orchestrated the murders and inhuman torturing of over 18 million people? yea......

  4. Have you heard of a little thing called The Holodomor?
  5. who killed 18 million people
  6. That makes him the worst person in history? Maybe in the last century...

    Did you know Dracula was real? And that he made an entire forest of humans slowly dying after being placed on long stakes as the slowly slid down over the course of many days?
  7. Yo Mush I wouldn't even consider him the worst of the century.

    Even if we were to consider Hitler responsible for ALL WW2 deaths (including holocaust, war in China, Africa, the Pacific etc.) that would amount to a bit over 60 million (?) deaths.

    Mao Zedong's policies killed *70 million* Chinese people from 1949 to 1976. People I talk about this stuff to don't even know who Mao is half the time.
  8. Because everyone is all nice to Jews.

    Shouldn't this be in pandora?
  9. Don't forget about Stalin with his 50 million.
  10. I personally consider him an amazing man and leader. Think of how smart and convincing you would have to be to get ALLL of those thousands of people to turn to nazis and how to get them to kill all of those jews. He had to preach them what he thought was right and somehow he convinced them it was the right thing to do. If only he had used his powers for good.
  11. i don't nor do many other educated people. just because you have to put up with stupid people doesn't mean that we are. a lot of us know beyond world history class.
  12. Yeah I never understood why Hitler is more of a tyrant than other people who killed way more
  13. #16 N1ck, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
    Exactly, Hitler had the potential to do great things, and had amazing leadership skills.
    Unfortunately, he had a screw loose somewhere.

    The things he did for Germanys economy were unbelievable. If only he could help america out now :D
  14. #17 Tha Professor, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2010
    He's recent news.

    Waged war with the world, and had a rather short yet powerful reign.
    He's more then an easy target for the general public to point fingers at.

    Maybe as a respectable leader, but as a man?
  15. I know I was like :confused:
  16. one thing i will say is that the fact that TVs were becoming more widespread, as well as journalism and news of things in other countries, definitely impacted it
  17. You know why he is considered the most evil person in the world?

    Its for the same reason people thought that marijuana made you insane. Propaganda, my friends. Many WWII people are still alive.

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