Same as title. My purchase was held, my bank said nothing. The bank didn't hold the purchase. Grasscity did. Why would they do this? My bank has no beef with my purchase why would Grasscity not just... do business? Just sat there pending until I noticed a grasscity email asking me to give my name and address and what not. It was all information literally on the fucking receipt...How about YOU show ME some ID? p.s What is with the slew of companies all of a sudden using means incredibly well known as SCAMMING methods as their go-to communication method? I had amazon sending text messages with messy url's - giving no other method for logging in one day. NO I'm not blinding tapping url links in a text msg! You send or generate a number like every other legimitate business and I provide it back...thats two step, not that nonsense. How are these obviously dumb as hell practices that were looooooong ago accepted as common-knowledge don't-do-this if you have a pulse and a brain now getting back into rotation? Even though the example is legitimate I've spent the last 10 years convincing old folks *NOT* to do the things these companies are requiring. That isn't two-step verification, thats sloppy laziness.
Grasscity Forum and the Shop are completely separate. You need to contact Support for Grasscity Headshop. Here's the link to that page Grasscity FAQ Note: I have ordered from GC Headshop several times and have not received an email like that from them, ever. It's possible something might have changed, but this is the first I've seen of anything like what you're saying OP.