I just got a good glass bong at my local head shop for $50. Its 18 inches tall with 7mm thick glass.It has a nice bowl, but it has a rubber stopper thing around the tube on the bowl piece and on the top of the downstem. It hits great, and is a good quality bong, but I dont see why people think glass on glass is so much better. With the rubber, it looks cheaper and lower quality but it seems to me like it's not much better than glass on glass, because it hits the same. So I was wondering, besides looking better, why is GonG so nice?
Rubber grommets crack and split, GonG is forever. That and reducing the potentially unpleasant chemicals inhaled is always a good thing.
Not only does GonG cut down on potentially harmful chemicals inhaled, it actually creates a better seal than a rubber grommet does, so you're pulling less outside air in and more smoke from the bowl. But nice pick up, sounds like she's a beauty. You can always convert her to GonG when you pick up another $40-$60.
Yeah but I bet they weren't diffused.There's ash catchers for grommet bongs to but there not diffused. Diffusion is a big deal
i have seen non glass on glass with all those,,, grommeted diffusers,(slits and pierced holes), grommeted tubes with a dome perc, and grommeted ashcatchers, 1 piece and 2 piece
same here my uncle has a grommet Zong and he has a nice puncture hole diffy in it. it hits pretty good but GonG is such a different feel GonG> grommet anyday
What everyone means to say is that, 99% of the time glass on glass is better. A Weedstar isn't better than this old school grommet Sovereignty bub...
Personally I just like the feel of pulling a GonG slide better than the alternative (because GonG slides are smaller). Also it leaves room for add-ons. There's barely any good grommet style add-ons out there. On the other hand if you want anything from a heady slide to a Toro ash-catcher, they make it for GonG.