Maybe I am just high but it seems there are like buttons now. I think this is the worst idea GC has ever had. You guys should get rid of them. This isn't facebook.
it's a whole different than the facebook experience and it the idea is to find more valualbe threads and post to interact with, indeed this is not facebook, but still it is a social experience, don't be afraid of something new, let first try it out and than we can all judge about it. thx SJ
Change is always scary for people. I kind of like the like option, but I can see it interfering with people who are obsessed with giving/getting rep. People are going to use the like option more than rep (2 clicks is a lot of work sometimes) and then we'll see 3 times as many rep posts.
time will tell, nothing is forever, it's all for the good of the city, it it is bad for the city, I will be the frist to admit it. SJ
I say we keep it, I like it. The people who complain about it being too much like Facebook need to realize that this isn't Facebook... If I wasn't positive it'd get abused, a dislike option would be nice.
Uh, we pretty much tried that already, remember? (negative rep) As many others have pointed out, change is usually not well accepted, but feedback is still needed from the community here to ensure that our beloved City is configured to meet most of our needs/tastes. We can't expect it to be perfect for everyone, but just give your feedback when asked and hopefully it will be a City that most of us do enjoy. I'm not "sold" yet on the whole linking to FB idea (mainly due to privacy), but I do understand why it is here, and I therefore support it on behalf of the greater good.
I wish that instead of giving us this new feature our user CPs and access to social groups/members profiles was restored.
i dont know if they realize just how much you look out for this place! besides....many people tend to be afraid of change .....change of any kind ... then next thing you know....they love the new shit! and dont know how they did without it..... i personally like the idea... think it may add an interesting new twist to the way we all interact with each other here....
Yeah, I remember that, but that messed with people's all mighty rep. A simple dislike wouldn't do that, but it'd still let people know that what they posted is frowned upon and maybe won't continually post the same shit?
Superjoint are you also trying to stop the amount of the same post being quoted time and time again with the response "agreed"? I didn't really find this idea useful at first but just came up with that.
Yeah, it seems like this will get rid of rep, which isn't a bad thing. But when do I get to play a GC version of FarmVille?