Why is democracy or republicanism better than monarchy again?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 1157798, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. I live in the United states, a republic which was founded by old rich anglo men who took advantage of a war fatigued and financially weakened British empire and declared violent independence just so the wealthiest people of the colonies could keep their slaves and live off the backs of the enslaved and working class who didn't have the same luxuries as thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin.

    Monarchy can be a bitch if you have a rulers like elagablus who was a tranny pederast rock worshipping violent submissive sex addict murderer who gave no shits about the Roman empire he was emperor for. With a democracy or a republic state like those in the Western world, you have people voting for politicians who don't care about the needs or best of their constituents by behaving overtly in a self serving manner, they only provide services to those who bribe them the highest price like what lobbyists and corporations and banks do.

    An absolute monarchy, structured on proper morals and values that caters to creating wholesome environments that encourages men and women to meet and get married and make babies, is in my opinion the best method of governance for humanity.

    Most of humanity has lived under monarchies in the past since the agricultural revolution, it's the most stable and assertively flexible form of government and fixes the errors that democracy or republicanism cannot satisfy in any satisfying degree.

    If children need a competant and fit mother and father to be raised as healthy amd productive members of society, why isn't the same for a king or emperor to a nation? We don't let children vote for parents or uncles.

    Bottom line, we have major issues in our countries that neither our constitutions can fix nor our legislators care to address and effectively remedy and everyone pretends not to care and ease into it because they're rationalizing their poor station in life and are unwilling to use violence to change their lives for the better.

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  2. If Joe Biden's father was King of America, when he died in 2002 it would have made Joe king for life. Can you imagine having Biden as president for the last 20 years and when he dies, Hunter takes over? No thanks, I'd rather vote for our leaders than relying on the luck of the draw. At least we can eventually vote them out when we get a dud.
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  3. I think Monty Python summed it up best
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  4. If you really think a monarchy is better than a republic you have serious issues.
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  5. Taxation without representation. That's why.
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  6. an 'absolute' monarchy would be totalitarian leaving no room for a human, dissenting, pov. what does an 'absolute' monarchy do with a non-conformist? burn them at the stake? starve them to death? force them into exile? i think a monarchy style of governance is a foolish notion going against the grain of the individual human experience. there are certainly quite a few monarchy nations in operation today.

    perhaps if a person was born and raised in an environment like that the populace would accept it, as they currently do, but to dramatically change a nation's style of governance from one system to another would require a lot of "reeducation camps" or other means of disposal of non-conformists.
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  7. you forgot a whole bunch in your first paragraph, might re check your history lesson, the book you read from is missing a ton .
    might also re check the slave trade of those days too and why the colony was started and fought for.
    from your comments is sure doesnt seem you live in the USA at all
    just imagine living under king charles, im still saying it was him that advanced the killing of his wife diane
    then you have joe biden , wow
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  8. Now you have taxation with corporate representation.
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  9. To answer the OP, there is an argument to be made here.

    At least with a single ruler, the blame can be pinpointed directly to a single person. Now they trample all over people and point the fingers at other parties, other branches of government etc.

    Regardless, it takes an informed and motivated population to keep any government in line, and that doesn't to be possible. People don't have time, they have other more pressing issues to address, and their 'voice' is but a drop in the bucket.
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  10. Btw, there is an implicit assumption in the question, and that is that there is some 'ideal' to compare and contrast systems. "Better" in what way or toward what goal?
  11. that is true, but this country decided to get from all that many years ago and with the way the economy is now , because anyone is better than trump syndrom these things seem better to whom knows , i served for this country and this administration will end soon and it will take 20 years to normalize just from the happenings that have come before us today . same thing took place in the 80's this is just the cycle of life, nothing is free or even fair, it is just life it is what it is .
    work for your future is key and if you are young you better be putting aside your own retirement now, because retirement as it is called SUCKS if your broke
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  12. Human civilization has always had taxes

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  13. The stone age is even better. Imagine knowing how to survive just by whittling rocks into tools and smashing heads for food.
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  14. have to figure a better way to process and dry meat so a complete dino doesnt go to waste , but im game any world without science is my kinda world
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  15. Non ironically at this point if I had a choice between this timeline and going back a thousand years and taking my chances I’d go back in time. The future is fucking whack, no hoverboards just insanity and uncertainty.
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  16. i think if we look at the UK monarchy the only people that i see benefiting from that style of government organization are the "royal blood". The Corporation makes a few tens of millions of euros a year just off tourism around the "royal properties", in addition to all the other benefits they receive at the expense of UK citizens. i think it's a holdover from colonialism. i think if we looked at the global monarchy states - the who's who - we'd find many of those citizens from those countries hold American citizenship. what does that really say about living in a monarchy state.
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  17. yeah we gotta hold the hands of the politicians while they take a ruler to ours for being bad ... Bad bad constituents ! I mean the only power now is the fact that people can be arrested for not being good people or not doing what they are told to do . dis obeyers
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  18. Let's put it this way. Your taxes pay for the royal family's lifestyle. Lots of money, jewels, expensive cars, servants, and castles. They look down their noses at the people that pay for the way they live. That commands respect that the taxpayers don't get. You have no choice on who your ruler is, you inherit that family. In the USA we elect who we want to run the government, and if we think they are doing a piss poor job of it, they get fired and we elect someone else. WE HAVE A CHOICE, YOU DON'T! That's the difference. We can stand outside the White House and yell, "I hate this country, I hate the President!" And not worry about going to jail. The British throne is dripping red with blood from the people that the monarchy had put to death because of disputes over who should rule that country. We don't run this country like a Klingon Bird of Prey, to advance in rank, you have to kill the next person ahead of you in line. If I remember correctly, King Henry VIII had most of his wives killed because every time he saw a woman he wanted, in order to marry her he had to bring up a phony charge of treason and have her beheaded. Since the Catholic church at the time, was the head church and he wasn't allowed to divorce.
    Let me ask you this. Why do people in Britain hate Americans so much? Is it because we declared independence? Or the fact that one of you kings abdicated because he wanted to marry an American woman that was twice divorced? Or was it both? Because everyone in England seems to hate Meghan Markle thinking that she beguiled Prince Harry into marrying her. She did nothing wrong. Harry was the one that decided to leave because of the way his wife was being treated by his family. I think the royal family is pathic. They are mean to their in-laws. Look how Diana was treated by Charles and his family.
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  19. No, they didn't. That was the European countries that started that. Native Americans used the barter system.
  20. I really don't know enough about Native Americans, but I am not sure they are considered a civilization, at least pre-contact. I don't think they really had a 'government' either. If i recall, Chiefs didn't really exist but the Europeans insisted on speaking with their 'leader' so maybe that is when they invented the role? Perhaps they were more a council of elders type system.

    I will have to educate myself more because it does interest me.
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