why is christianity still around?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by KAdernal, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. J@ck, from my understanding you're supposed to make an effort not to sin. Sure, everyone sins, but try not too.

    And don't try to tell us that we have no right to tell you about Christian morals just because we aren't Christian: many of us have read the Bible, many of us have been Christians at one point. Just because we don't belong to a certain group doesn't mean we can't know what said group thinks about so-and-so.

  2. haha
  3. alright sweet man this is what I'm talkin about some real debate.

    1. your taking your biased opinion to far. What i meant by that was I searched for evidences one way or another and for every debate I've heard against christianity I've heard mounds and mounds of evidences disproving every theory against it.

    2. Oh yea i hear yah, but I don't follow the pentecostal or catholic way or necessarily agree with it like yourself. If they have a heart for christ i'd still say hell yeah praise God but attempting to make a quota is false, that's not christianity that's just man being man in tring to attain, well, more.

    3. Oh no christianity isn't pro gay at all. But christianity is about love. While we believe homosexuality is a sin, all of us sin in one way or another, we have no right to hate or judge. We're supposed to have love for our homosexual brothers as we should everyone else.

    4. No homie your missing the point. I don't claim my own religion. I claim that hate for homosexuals or anyone isn't what christ preached, or how God wants us to live.

    5. It's amazing how distrought you get over my replies... this was my response to the entire thread! The issue was brought up how is it that christianity is so popular. My response is it isn't... wow talk about hate simmer down.

    6.your thinking to literal, again. We're talking about spirituality, more specifically christianity here. If one is attempting a spiritual life, especially one in Christ christians arn't meant to do so alone we believe in fellowship.

    so there you are scooby while your hate is more then evident I'm happy to oblige and reply to your disagreements.
    haha and I'm curious how my debate has strengthened your argument kaderma. That's a powerful thing to say if it's true though everytime i ask you to explain, cause I'm open to mature discussion, you only explain that no other explanation is needed. lol that's not a very good case and point. Yea it's true, kings emperors, presidents even have oppressed there views on the people be it christian or otherwise for, well, ever. But that's not at all why we believe. As you have said freedom of religion has opened up a whole new venue. That right there proves that we have the freedom to change, though christianity is very prevelant.

    that misunderstanding is understandable. but your missing the point. Christianity is supposed ot be about love. It's not an exchange. We're more then happy to use our resources, our tithe and offerings to support those in need. Yea we're christians and we believe in salvation, think about this: if we do believe in such a slavation it would be disgusting not to share. I've been on many missions trips and we never go into them expecting results. That's the exact opposite of what we're taught. Even if we leave empty handed (with nobody following our faith) we still have the joy of helping out others with our resources. Which is what God calls us to do.
    While your negative view of christianity has lead you to see the negatives in all these issues, open up. (as you have said those who follow religion don't)
  4. Your clearly not reading my posts. I feel like im crazy, Im saying things but your just not reading them.

    ES is conveying the same point that Iam, you say everyone is a sinnner, ever christians. But the bible says christians should try NOT to sin. You have strengthened my opinion with your hypocritical views. How can you be a christian and a pot head? well you can do that, but your not being a very good christian. your not even attemtping to live the life of a christian, yet you stated that you are a whole hearted christian. That is bull-shit, It strengthens my personal opinion that christians are some of the most evil people in the world. Doing things in the name of a higher power, and condeming people for living a certain way, when they themselves are living a life of sin and filth.

    You are explaining your religion to me like i am a 3 year old. Evenlyspaced said it too that most of us in here have at one point in time been associated with a religion, but no longer are. You seem like you have been a christian for a few days, yet you try to talk like you are some religious scholar. You contradict yourself, and don't even understand the religion you claim. That is the point i am trying to convey here.

    ^^^^haha that just says it all

    I have made numerous posts, and i have made points that you are ignoring. I have responded i have been cordial, I have tried to say things, but your not trying to read them. If you wanna have a debate or a talk.... how bout answering the questions in my first post?
  5. Here is a nice timeline of some specific events carried out by Christians over the course of history... Truely a religion of love and compasion for all of humanity!

    Here are some excepts that caught my eye:

    • The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a Christian minister named Peter, in a church, in 415.
    • The Archbishop of Tyre, eye-witness, wrote: "It was impossible to look upon the vast numbers of the slain without horror; everywhere lay fragments of human bodies, and the very ground was covered with the blood of the slain. It was not alone the spectacle of headless bodies and mutilated limbs strewn in all directions that roused the horror of all who looked upon them. Still more dreadful was it to gaze upon the victors themselves, dripping with blood from head to foot, an ominous sight which brought terror to all who met them. It is reported that within the Temple enclosure alone about ten thousand infidels perished." (crusades, over 20 million killed)
    • On command of pope Innocent III (greatest single pre-nazi mass murderer) in 1209. Beziérs (today France) 7/22/1209 destroyed, all the inhabitants were slaughtered. Victims (including Catholics refusing to turn over their heretic neighbours and friends) 20,000-70,000
    You get the idea. http://www.truthbeknown.com/victims.htm
  6. ^^

    just one of the many reasons i won't even set foot in a church.

  7. why i will tell u why.
    heres there reason.... because
  8. baked as fuck warning:

    could we all just be that stupid? to believe something so fantasy that we were not smart enough to disbelieve it. and you know wives tails? it as a whole spreads though out the community from person to person changing ever so slighty. why? because the poor communications systems of the time.

    when it could of been started with much less emphasis and less self focused motivations circling its core believers. or it could of started with a metaphor being used. slowly developing the group of people's self conciseness. labeling itself, over and over again every time they ask themselves "what am i."

    what you believe, act like, and follow is what you think you are. you think you dont go by this theory? your a non follower? thats a group too, sorry.

  9. J@ck, its not so much hate towards organized religion rather than the ignorance it perpetuates. while you are obviously able to stand up for what you believe in, there are many many many many i have encountered who are just that...ignorant.

    its sad that they use religion as a crutch.

    i know i have no right to denounce your beliefs, but it enrages me when people do something good and they "put it up to god". i want to shake them when they dont realize that THEY THEMSELVES had to power to achieve such lofty goals...because hey, they did it. same thing in reverse, when something bad happens, "it obviously was not in gods plan". they dont take responisibility for their actions.

    what makes the the angriest is when people ignore the spirit of nature that lives in everything living and connects us, this spirit IS "tangible" and you can perceive it...but todays society destroys it.

    but im sure there are people who are enraged that people like me deny their god and refuse to believe in a higher being.
  10. because they were more ruthless than other religions during its 2000 year stint.

    dont believe me? ask the inca's, the africans, the indians (native american and india's), south east asians, asian pacific peoples and mayans. oh yea, u cannot because the christians killed off most of the listed groups.

    frankly, if anyone reads history, they would consider the christians, the actual barbarians.
  11. their genocide worked. it is the number one religion in the world and going strong.

    hell our country has been "under god" for over 50 years now.
  12. If you didn't grow up in a family with god being discussed and taught then you probably dont belive in gos when your older. Ask people who are older and weren't influenced to believe in god as a child and they might tell you that it doesn't make sense that god exists.

    I believe that it's just a a reason for everything for people who need a reason because their is no reason why were here, were just here. God cannot be proved at all, aliens might be our gods and atleast we have allot of evidence for that they could be superior and they might be what everyone back inthe day was talkling about when crazy shit happened.

    But they also blamed disease and cancers on god and magic instead of finding real reasons so that shows you how smart everyone was back then who wrote what you warship.
  13. People create religion because it's a reason to not fear death. Most people who fear death, who fear the dark, even the soldiers on 6/6/1944 feared the beaches of Normandy (and soldiers sent by our loving christian leader to Iraq) are really just scared of the unknown.

    People fear what they don't understand, which is why there is such controversy and religion-related killings in the world. This is also why most religions persecute the religions that are different.

    For example: Every christian I've ever talked to has said Scientology is total unbelieveable garbage. Aliens watching over us? Impossible! (I know it is based off a novel and I am not a Scientologist but its a good example)

    However, a virgin can give birth, an old man can make a sea SPLIT IN HALF, people can rise from the dead?
    Not to mention there were two people on the earth at one point who had children. Now ok this is pretty believable, right? But pretty soon, we have mroe than 10 people on the earth, and somehow no one banged their sister, because thats a sin.

    I am not saying any religion is right, just that they should stop being so hipocritical and to stop force feeding everyone their beliefs.
  14. Religion was created to explain the unknown. The more man has found out about the unknown through science, the less he believes in religion. Pretty soon everyone is going to realize that science has destroyed religion and Christianity will die out.

    Also religion was used/is to control people. Think how many people would follow the pope if no one believed in Christianity. Religion is used to stop people from doing the things they want to be threatening them with "hell". Religion is still around because people are to afraid of the truth, that when they die thats it, their afraid that they only get one life and they wasted it.
  15. but scientology was created by an author in 1952, I don't think one could argue that a religion, that believes in aliens and paying for atonement, could be compared to a religion that has been around for thousands of years. Even if it is a story, its a story thats been around for many years, maybe 2,000 years down the road you could argue for scientology.

    I also think religions like scientology strengthen peoples beliefs in god. People see people worshiping space ships and thats not normal in our society, that shit creeps most people out.

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