Why is Africa still in poverty?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Ryusuke, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Developed nations of the world have donated like, 100 billion dollars to Africa so they can get on their feet and grow their own damn food. Why the fuck is Africa developing so slowly. Every normal country in the world has donated and even had volunteers come over to help build schools and such.

    The amount of money donated is enough to demolish Africa and start a new Africa...

    There are no dense populations as seen in other impoverished countries.

    Please help me understand this :(
  2. its full of africans...idk.

    my guess is its the same as everywhere else, the money goes to crime lords. no money seen to the people. or none/most of the money actually goes to africa
  3. I also have asked and questioning Africa's struggle to develop as a nation (I'm West African btw). I realize the problem are the corrupt politicians, they are even worse than the American ones because they are usually angry-tempered, illogical scalawags, only some realize that they're in turmoil and need to regroup together to fix economic and social situations that are preventing them in moving forward. Also Africa has a lot of valuable items that get imported to different countries, plus they're in business with a lot of continents so that should boost their revenue.

    Not all places in Africa are poor, that's what the U.S. media wants you to think.
  4. From what I've been reading Africa's resources are the next to be exploited by 1st world countries like us. The continent is ripe for the picking as so much of it is controlled by war lords and corrupt governments. I'm guessing the people there will embrace this as it will improve their health and wellbeing much more than what they have been subjected to in the last 100 or so years.
  5. #5 BP to the DP, Jan 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2013
    Gadhafi actually had plans to put all of Africa on the same currency, backed by gold. Africa would have been rich, and could have told the rest of the world to go fuck themselves.

    So the "civilized" world painted him as an evil man, and we, of course, had to "bring him to justice."

    Also, during Gadhafis time, Libya had a better standard of living than most western countries, possibly even America. Pretty much everything you heard about the situation was media bullshit.
  6. Hahaha, if you think that the amount of foreign aid that goes to Africa is anything but a drop in the bucket compared to the worth of the natural resources (and, increasingly, labor) that are basically straight up stolen from African nations by first-world countries, then you have a lot to learn about the world. Of course, a lot of this is only possible because of the corruption of the local politicians. But then, all of that is only possible because of the centuries of apartheid and exploitation. In any case, Africa is in a perpetual state of poverty not because of any sort of inherent defect but because it has been, and is still being, thoroughly raped and plundered by foreign players.
  7. Because only 2% of it actually goes to the african people, its all a scam, its sick and twisted, its a sick scam for attention and money like kony 2012

    Actual Quote by MJ001: Do hairs really grow on the actual head of a dick, making it look like a paint brush
  8. Africa is a interesting continent, I have yet to learn and discover more since the textbooks only associate with American history but that's why I'm going to college abroad to learn about world culture.

    There's been countless wars with children as young as 7 participating in the war because they're forced too or else they will get killed. Not every country is like that though, yet it gives the reputation that its a unstable place to live, just got to find the right places and avoid the rebels.
  9. i learned in my sociology class that african truckstop drivers have "dry sex" with prostitutes and spread hiv like it's a common thing

    basically the prostitutes put vinegar and other chemicals in their pussy to make it dry and it's apparently more pleasurable for the men because they're putting the woman in pain and making her bleed
  10. Because the people donating fucked it up in the first place

  11. I have to agree that Africas poverty has a lot to do with corrupt governments and regimes. Some countries in Africa has the same problem that a lot of countries in South American do. They are constantly being run by barely legitimate regimes who exploit their countries resources, or allow their countries resources to be plundered. On top these countries just being run improperly, you also have lots of dictators and illegitimate rulers embezzling billions of dollars to off shore accounts for them and their families.

  12. Seems like the dictators just want the profit for themselves and not to help boost the economy. The people should be aware of the next politician to vote in.
  13. Showing how backwards and uneducated the average african male is, sad really. Main thing is the collective leadership, both civillian and military, of all the African nations is so corrupt that both the US Senate and Congress would look at it and be like 'DAMN......'

  14. Most are bought out and, beyond that, don't really care about their office. It's all about getting the diamonds/uranium/copper/gold/oil out of the country as quickly as possible...into foreign hands that will profit far greater than even the heads of most African states. If you want a really fascinating and abbreviated look at the way this all works, check out The Ambassador (2012 - now on Netflix.) It's a documentary about a guy who straight-up buys his way into the diamond trade in Africa, via an ambassadorship, just for the lulz. Very eye-opening and entertaining.

    The same can be said for most S. American and Central American countries that struggle with severe poverty, except the resources in question would be coffee, cocoa beans, rubber and especially bananas. Many governments have been entirely overthrown for bananas. It sounds silly at first, but look into Dole and Chiquita's history in Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia, Nicaragua, etc.

    As the world moves steadily towards one unified and capitalist economy, money talks louder and louder. Entire countries are bought and sold all the time, and it's obviously not the many who are profiting here...personally I don't see really any possible futures without some massive restructuring of the global economic system very soon. But I don't mean to be alarmist....the restructuring is already happening and has been for at least a decade. The extreme poverty and tension that is striking the Middle East right now is a direct result of the globalization of capitalism, and North Africa is rapidly plunging into chaos. The poorest parts of the world have been the first to show signs of the global strain, which makes perfect sense as they will always be the ones squeezed the hardest, but they certainly won't be the last. This doesn't have to be a negative and dreadful thing (at least to Americans) as long as we are on our toes and ready to adapt. But make no mistake, things are changing in a very big and very real way.

  15. Thanks! I'll be to sure the check out the documentary on the ambassadors, read up more on the history between the fruit companies and its exportation, that's why I love GC you learn a lot of historical information that you wouldn't find nowhere else.

    I have a question: In result in all of this, wouldn't this lead them into extreme debt? Guess the classic saying "Money Talks, Bullshit Walks" seems to be typical for most.
  16. It's a nation of people who spend their lives blaming everyone else for their problems and rather than standing up and taking control themselves they still allow other countries to come in and tyrranize them. I'm not trying to be racist by this either the evidence is very prevalent.

    Africa is one of the oldest countries populated by humans the earliest and yet with all that time they still stay underdeveloped and are constantly at war with one another or are being taken over by an outside government or organization. I think we need to leave them all alone and let Darwinism take effect if they can learn to develop and prosper then we can help them again if not then let it fall apart and divide the land between the current superpowers and have them run each section.
  17. Makes me wonder, why isn't America in Africa fighting corruption?

    Instead they choose the Middle East where people at least have food. They also have oil though so maybe that did the trick

    Omega369 :wave:
  18. Corrupt African leaders ultimately supported and paid by foreign leaders/corporations. Its in their interest to keep the people of that country down.
  19. Because parents have wayyy more babies than they can afford to feed.
  20. If it's a question of natural resources there's absolutely no reason they shouldn't be in Africa, it's one of the richest parts of the world for things like oil, minerals, timber, etc.

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